- If the value of NETx\VAR\Numeric\Item1 is 0 then URL1 is used (Picture1).
- If the value of NETx\VAR\Numeric\Item1 is 1 then URL2 is used (Picture2).
- If the item quality of NETx\VAR\Numeric\Item1 is GOOD and the none of the prior conditions is met then URL2 is used (Picture3).
- If the item quality of NETx\VAR\Numeric\Item1 is not GOOD then URL3 is used (....).
Testing the control with navigation buttons
To test the MultiInternet control we create controls to show the current value of the used server item and controls to modify this value.
Same thing should be done with the "Down-Button", but the Operation mode should be "-Value" and the Min. value is "0".
Current ItemID
Viewing the current Item ID of MultiInternet control can be done by adding "Text-Box" , after that Double-Clike on the "Text-Box". in the "Text-Box" dialog and in the "Object" tab, Function is Indicator and the Item ID is Variable 1.