There are predefined variable names that are replaced automatically when inserting a device template. These variable names can be used as block variables and group variables – the values are exchanged for both variable types:
GATEWAY: the full item ID of the gateway. E.g.: NETx\Module\LaMPS\DALI\Demo_Wall\Floor1\Cor1\1.1.6 KNX DALI-Gateway
GATEWAY_NAME: the name of the gateway. E.g.: 1.1.6 KNX DALI-Gateway
GATEWAY_LOCATION: the location of the gateway in the item tree with gateway name. E.g.: Demo_Wall\Floor1\Cor1\1.1.6 KNX DALI-Gateway
LOCATION: the location of the gateway in the item tree without gateway name. E.g.: Demo_Wall\Floor1\Cor1
DEVICE_ID: the DALI device address. E.g: 2
DEVICE: the full item ID of the device. E.g.: NETx\Module\LaMPS\DALI\Demo_Wall\Floor1\Cor1\1.1.6 KNX DALI-Gateway\Device2
COLUMN_NR: the column number of the cell block
ROW_NR: the row number of the cell block
Creating a new template by using a NETx template
Afterwards, modify your elements that you would like to change. Use the predefined variable names are described above in Variables used in array templates.
Then you have to create a new template. Open the template assistant, enter your new template name and set the option “Not used / remove” for the block POPUP2 and POPUP3: