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The interface configuration can be edited in the NETx Core Server Studio at Modules > Qlite> Interface Definitions


Col#ParameterDescriptionScopeUnitDefault value
1NameName of the interface. Must be unique.stringNone
2IP addressIP address of the QL-NE100 device.IP-AddressNone
3PortUDP port of the QL-NE100 device.Port numberNone57277
4Send intervalTime delay between sending two messages.integerms200
5Log messagesIf set to true, all received and sent messages are logged inĀ <WorkspaceDirectory>\LogFiles\nxaQlite-<InterfaceName>_<Datecode>.logbooleanNoneFalse
6Ping after

Start pinging the interface after not receiving packets for this time period.

7Ping interval

Time between sending pings to the interface.

8Ping retries

Connection to the interface is considered lost after this amount of failed pings.

9Channel RangesDefines the channels that shall be available as server items. It is possible to define comma separated list that also contains ranges. E.g. 1-10,15,250-310. If left empty, no channels are available.integer list1 - 512None
