Database communication requires a number of components to work smoothly together. If any of these components does not work properly database functions might be impaired.
- BMS Studio status line says: XDB: OFFLINE
Causes and solutions
- Check if the database instance is running.
- In the default configuration the BMS Server uses a local instance of MS SQL Server named NETX_SERVER_SQL
- Go to Windows Services and check if the service named SQL Server (NETX_SERVER_SQL) is running.
- If the service is running proceed with step 5.
- Check the service startup type
- In the Windows Services, locate the service named SQL Server (NETX_SERVER_SQL) and open its properties.
- Set the start type to automatically and click OK.
- Start the database service
- In the Windows Services, locate the service named SQL Server (NETX_SERVER_SQL).
- Start the service.
- If the service started successfully, proceed with step 5.
- Check the Windows Event Logs
- If the database service failed to start check the Windows Event Log for specific log entries.
- Check BMS Server connection parameters in BMS Studio / Server / System configuration. Be sure to know what you are doing if you deviate from default values. Default values are as follows:
- SYS / Use historical database checked
- XDB / Enable DSN not checked
- XDB / Database user: sa
- XDB / Database password: netxnetx_123456
- XDB / Database host name: . (a dot).
- XDB / Database port: (empty)
- XDB / Use default instance: not checked
- XDB / Database instance name: NETX_SERVER_SQL
- XDB / Connection timeout: 300
- XDB / Command timeout: 60
- XDB / Max data age: 0
- XDB / Auto-purge near-full database: checked
- Check the BMS System Messages or the System Log File for error messages. See also XDB_ENGINE;Connect to SysDatabase failed.