!Attention: In contrast to defined parameter within the studio, this has a crucial influence on the structure of all server item IDs.
The following examples represent the same KNX datapoint:
OPC.GroupAddressType: 2Level -> ITEM ID = "NETx\XIO\KNX\\00/0513"
OPC.GroupAddressType: 3Level -> ITEM ID = "NETx\XIO\KNX\\00/2/001"
!Attention: This parameter has crucial influence on the structure of all server item IDs.
The following examples represent the same KNX datapoint:
OPC.PrefixedItemID: ON -> ITEM ID = "NETx\XIO\KNX\\00/2/001"
OPC.PrefixedItemID: OFF -> ITEM ID = "NETx\XIO\KNX\\0/2/1"