- Show history in Graph – This brings up the "add" dialog for the graph (cf. Section 3.3.10).
- Copy Item path to clipboard – The full Server Item path will be copied to the clipboard.
- Show Properties – This shows the properties of the Server Item. If the "Properties" area is disabled it will be brought up again.
The LUA Editor offers a lot more functionality than the one for the definition files. Next to syntax highlighting, row counting and printing it also provides a search and replace dialog. The LUA script engine can be reinitialized at any
time while the NETx BMS Core Server is running.
TODO: screenshot LUA Editor
Below standing described are the symbols of the LUA Editor in order from left to right.
Save [Ctrl] + [S]
This will save the actual opened LUA file.
The actual LUA file will be printed.
Undo [Ctrl] + [Z]
The last operation will be undone.
Redo [Ctrl] + [Y]
If an operation was undone it can be redone.
Cut [Ctrl] + [X]
The marked script text will be cut off the editor and copied to the clipboard.