Name | Description | Scope | Unit | Default | Annotation |
XDB.DatabaseType | Sets the database type (MS SQL or MySQL (Maria DB)). | MySQL, MSSQL | None | MySQL | |
XDB.UserID | If the integrated security mechanism is not used, the specified user will be used to connect to the database. | String | None | sa | |
XDB.Password | If the integrated security mechanism is not used, the specified password will be used to connect to the database. | String | None | netxnetx_123456 | |
XDB.Hostname | The host name or IP address where the database is running. Use ".", "", or "localhost" for connecting to the local machine. | String, IP-address | None | . | |
XDB.Database | Database name to use. If not set, the default database name "netx_ef_<workspace>" will be used - otherwise, the specified database name will be used. | String | None | since 4.1.2010 | |
XDB.Port | Communication port of database. If not set, the port will not be provided in the connection string – otherwise, the specified port number will be used. | None, 1 – 65535 | None | None | |
XDB.Instance | (MSSQL only) Instance name of the used database. | String | None | NETX_SERVER_SQL | |
XDB.ConnectionTimeout | Connection timeout | 0 – 30 | s | 15 | |
XDB.CommandTimeout | Command timeout | 0 – 3600 | s | 60 | |
XDB.LongCommandTimeout | Command timeout in seconds for long running commands like selecting trending values or for auto purge. | 0 – 7200 | s | 300 | |
XDB.AutoPurge | (MSSQL with SQL Server Express Edition only, 10 GB max. database size) If the cyclic check finds the database is more than 9 GB filled then the oldest trending data is deleted until the database size dropped below 8 GB. | ON, OFF | None | OFF | |
XDB.DeleteOldTrending | If activated, the values of deleted trending definitions will be deleted, too. | ON, OFF | None | ON |