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The configuration of the Fidelio interface is done in the Fidelio module configuration file.


Within this configuration file, general settings for the Protel interface are configured.

titleFile location



Within this configuration, all Fidelio settings are specified. Each parameter is identified with a name. The name is case-insensitive (i.e. capitalization is not considered). The scope indicates the allowed values of the parameter. The default value specifies the values that is used when no value is set by the user.

The parameters which can be defined in this file are divided into the following two groups:

  • SYS







Default value

PROTEL.IPAddressSpecifies the IP address of the
Protel server.IP addressNoneNone
PROTEL.PortSpecifies the TCP port number of the
Fidelio/Opera server
Protel  server.1-65535None5003
PROTEL.LRCTurns LRC for data telegrams on or off.ON/OFFNoneOFF
SYS.RefreshIntervalDefines the time between two calls for data to the Protel  server.numericseconds20
PROTEL..LoggingEnables logging of data telegrams to and from the
Fidelio/Opera server
Protel  server.ON/OFFNoneOFF
PROTEL.UpdateOnReconnectIf set, when the connection to the
Fidelio/Opera server
Protel  server is (re-)established data from
Fidelio/Opera server
Protel  server are queried to update the information in the NETx BMS Core Server.ON/OFFNone


PROTEL.UseControlByteEnables the acknowledged transmission of data telegrams.ON/OFFNoneOFF
PROTEL.UseGCEnables or disables the use of "Guest Change (GC)" records.ON/OFFNone


PROTEL.UseLinkCheckIf enabled, the BMS server sends an "LS" record for keep alive checking in a cyclic interval. The interval can be defined by
PROTEL.UseLALinkCheckUse "LA" keep alive checking;T;If enabled, the BMS server sends an "LA" record for keep alive checking in a cyclic interval. The interval can be defined by


PROTEL.AliveIntervalSpecifies the interval in seconds for keep alive checking.1 - 65535seconds300
PROTEL.CommandTimeoutSpecifies command timeout in seconds used for start up and acknowledged transmission.1 - 65535seconds3
PROTEL.MessagesEnabledIf enabled, messages to and
from Fidelio/Opera
from Protel can be sent or received.ON/OFFNone


PROTEL.RoomStatusEnabledIf enabled, it is request to use RE (room equipment) records.ON/OFFNone


PROTEL.UsedGIRecordsSpecifies which optional fields shall be sent by
Protel within GI records. Use <NONE> if no additional optional fields shall be sent.stringNoneGAGDGFGLGNGTGVNPSFDATI
PROTEL.UsedGCRecordsSpecifies which optional fields shall be sent by
Protel within GC records. Use <NONE> if no additional optional fields shall be sent.stringNoneROGAGDGFGLGNGTGVNPDATI
PROTEL.UsedGORecordsSpecifies which optional fields shall be sent
by Fidelio/Opera
by Protel within GO records. Use <NONE> if no additional optional fields shall be sent.stringNoneSFDATI
PROTEL.UsedRERecordsSpecifies which optional fields shall be sent
by Fidelio/Opera
by Protel within RE records. Use <NONE> if no additional optional fields shall be sent.stringNoneG#CSDNRSCTVMPPML




Default value


Defines the time between two calls for data to the Fidelio/Opera server.


PROTEL.ForecastCheckInEnable forecast check-in;False;If enabled, an additional item RoomCheckedForecast is created which is true if a forecast check-in occurs. This feature only works if it is activated at the Protel side.True/FalseNoneFalse