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! This definition file can also be generated using the NETxKNXConvertETS App ETS app import wizard (Studio > KNX > Import NETx ETS App file ...) which generates the KNX group alias definitions from an exported ETS project.



 1KNX Main Group Number 
It defines the number of the KNX main group.
2KNX Middle Group Number 
It defines the number of the KNX middle group. If this field is left empty, the group alias entry is for the KNX main group address. Otherwise the alias is defined for a KNX middle group.
3Name of gateway 
It specifies the name of the KNXnet/IP router or interface to which the specified KNX main or middle group address alias is defined.
Here the name of alias is specified which shall be shown in the Server Item Tree. Note that this alias does not influence the Item ID of the KNX group address. The alias is set as description of the Server Branch that represents the main or middle group.

