This example shows how to convert values of Datapoints between different units e.g.(from Watt to KW). The conversion can be handled with LUA function. The output value can be written to any selected item(Virtual items or VAR\Real items). The function reads the incoming values and converts them into any related measurement.
Creating a new LUA function
First, we will create a new LUA function which verify the item value and sends an e mail if it is out of limit. Within the toolbar of the NETx BMS Core Studio, click on the "Edit Script" button.
Afterwards, you can select the "nxaDefinitions.lua" to open the main LUA file. Paste in the following code at the end of the file:
function converter() local a=nxa.GetValue(nxa.SourceItemID()) local cal= a/1000 nxa.SetDestinationValue(cal) end