The LaMPS module extension for the visualization comes along with a predefined template. However, it is possible to create your own template or you can change the existing one.
Each template consists of different element blocks that depend on the type of layout.
The blocks of existing templates can be found in library in the sub tree NXA:
You can use these existing blocks as template for your own blocks. Just insert them on an empty visualization page, modify them to your needs and create a new template.
An array template may consist of the following block:
Cell: this block represents a single element (a single DALI device or DALI gateway) that can be placed on your visualization page. For each elements, 1 instance of the cell block will be inserted. This block is mandatory.
Header: this block is inserted only once – independent of the amount of elements. For a device template this block can be used to visualize the gateway state.
Footer: this block is inserted only once – independent of the amount of elements.
Popup: this is the main pop-up block that will be shown when the user clicks on a cell block. The block itself can contain multiple pop-up groups if you would like to use cascading pop-up groups. However, at least the group with name MAIN_POPUP must exist in this block.
Popup2: an optional second pop-up block
Popup3: an optional third pop-up block
Create a new template or to use an existing one, select the template assistant from the corresponding category.
Afterwards, the template assistant is started.
If you want to modify an existing template, you can select the template in the drop-down list. If you want to create a new one, just enter a name in the list.
Please keep in mind that the existing templates NETx1, NETx2, … may be overwritten after a server update. If you want to change such a template, create a new one and use the existing elements from the library. |
For each block, you can choose the following options:
not user / remove: select this option if you do not need the block in your template.
no changes: if you modify an existing template, you can select this option is when you do not want to change this block.
new block: with this option you can select the elements of the block. This is done by clicking at the button … Select the elements that you want to use in the block and do a right-click to change back to the template assistant dialog. The number of selected elements are shown in parenthesis.
After selecting all blocks, you can press the Ok button to save the changes. If existing blocks are overwritten, you must confirm that.
There are predefined variable names that are replaced automatically when inserting a device template. These variable names can be used as block variables and group variables – the values are exchanged for both variable types:
GATEWAY: the full item ID of the gateway. E.g.: NETx\Module\LaMPS\DALI\Demo_Wall\Floor1\Cor1\1.1.6 KNX DALI-Gateway
GATEWAY_NAME: the name of the gateway. E.g.: 1.1.6 KNX DALI-Gateway
GATEWAY_LOCATION: the location of the gateway in the item tree with gateway name. E.g.: Demo_Wall\Floor1\Cor1\1.1.6 KNX DALI-Gateway
LOCATION: the location of the gateway in the item tree without gateway name. E.g.: Demo_Wall\Floor1\Cor1
DEVICE_ID: the DALI device address. E.g: 2
DEVICE: the full item ID of the device. E.g.: NETx\Module\LaMPS\DALI\Demo_Wall\Floor1\Cor1\1.1.6 KNX DALI-Gateway\Device2
COLUMN_NR: the column number of the cell block
ROW_NR: the row number of the cell block
As an example, we will create a new device template that is based on the template NETx1. For that create a new visualization page and insert the blocks DEVICES_ARRAY_NETx1_CELL, DEVICES_ARRAY_NETx1_HEADER and DEVICES_ARRAY_NETx1_POPUP into the page. Important is that you always select “Leave variables in block”:
Afterwards, modify your elements that you would like to change. Use the predefined variable names are described above in Variables used in array templates.
Then you have to create a new template. Open the template assistant, enter your new template name and set the option “Not used / remove” for the block POPUP2 and POPUP3:
Afterwards, click at the … button in the cell block row. Select the control elements and do a right-click:
Repeat this for the header block and the pop-up block. You will see the number of selected elements in the parenthesis.
Press Ok to save the template and close the template assistant.