

The tool bar grants the user direct access to the main tools and areas of the NETx BMS Core Studio.

Toolbar buttonDescription

Saves the currently opened configuration table. The user is asked whether or not to restart the server. If yes, the NETx BMS Core Server will be restarted using the new table.

Restarting the NETx BMS Core Server will disconnect all clients.

Save all

Saves all open definition tables. The user is asked whether or not to restart the server. If yes, the NETx BMS Core Server will be restarted using the new tables.

Restarting the NETx BMS Core Server will disconnect all clients.

CloseCloses the currently opened configuration table.
To ExcelThis exports the active definition table into a Microsoft© Excel file.
From ExcelThe function imports the active definition table from a Microsoft© Excel file and overrides the current contents.
StartStarts the NETx BMS Core Server in ONLINE mode in which all field layer communication is carried out physically.
SimulationStarts the NETx BMS Core Server in simulation mode. No communication with the field layer is carried out. It is possible to set item values in the tree. Therewith a manual test of OPC Clients is possible. If the generation of random values is activated the server simulates some activity. This again is visible on the OPC Clients to test.
StopShuts down the NETx BMS Core Server.
Item TreeAdds an Item Tree view with every click up to a count of four.
XLogicStarts the XLogic editor for graphical logic programming.
SearchEnables or disables the search tool for Server Items.
Edit scriptStarts the built-in editor for LUA scripts. First a file open dialog will appear whereupon the selected file will be displayed in the editor.
RemoteStarts the built-in support tool which can be used to create a remote desktop connection for maintenance and support.

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