Telegram logging

Telegram logging


The NETx BMS Core Server provides the means to log all incoming and outgoing KNX network telegrams that are received or sent by the server. If activated, the content of the telegrams, as well as additional information (e.g. the time of arrival) are logged to the file mentioned above. Obviously, storing all telegrams may need a high amount of memory space. Therefore, this logging information is stored in binary format instead of storing it in plain text. To view the content of the telegram log file, the telegram Telegram History Explorer can be used. Furthermore, the parameter "SYS.MaxSizeOfTelegramLogFile" can be used to define the maximum file size of the telegram log file – if the this file size is exceeded, the oldest entries are overwritten.
Similar to the system log file, an empty telegram log file is created at system start up – the old telegram log file is renamed to "nxaOPCTelegram.35.<timestamp>.log" where <timestamp> is the time of the current server start up.


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