General light circuits

General light circuits

Here, common lighting circuits can be defined that shall be monitored by the NETx LaMPS Module.

NamestringMName of circuit.
PathstringOPath used for structure within NETx BMS Platform.
OnOff ItemIdItemIDMItemID that is used to turn on and off the circuit. If a separate status item is not used, this item also provides the status for calculating the operating hours.
OnOff Status ItemIdItemIDOItemID that provides the on/off status for this circuit. This status is also used for calculating the operating hours. If not used, the OnOff ItemID is used instead.not used
Operating Time Warning ThresholdnumberOWarning threshold for operating hours. If exceeded, the warning alarm item will turn to true. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Operating Time Alarm ThresholdnumberOAlarm threshold for operating hours. If exceeded, the alarm alarm item will turn to true. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Brightness ItemIdItemIDOItemID that can be used to change the brightness of a dimmable light. not used
Brightness Status ItemIdItemIDOItemID that provides the current brightness value of a dimmable light.not used
Brightness Scale FactornumberOScale factor for the brightness value.1
Current ItemIdItemIDOIf available the used current can be provided by this item.not used
Current Scale FactornumberOScale factor for the current.1
Current Lower Warning Threshold numberOHere a lower warning threshold for monitoring the current can be specified. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used

Current Lower Alarm Threshold

numberOHere a lower alarm threshold for monitoring the current can be specified. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Current Higher Alarm ThresholdnumberOHere a higher warning threshold for monitoring the current can be specified. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Current Higher Warning ThresholdnumberOHere a higher alarm threshold for monitoring the current can be specified. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Voltage ItemIdItemIDOIf availale the current voltage can be provided by this item.not used
Voltage Scale FactornumberOScale factor for the voltage.1
Voltage Lower Warning ThresholdnumberOHere a lower warning threshold for monitoring the voltage can be specified. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Voltage Lower Alarm ThresholdnumberOHere a lower alarm threshold for monitoring the voltage can be specified. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Voltage Higher Warning ThresholdnumberOHere a higher warning threshold for monitoring the voltage can be specified. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Voltage Higher Alarm ThresholdnumberOHere a higher alarm threshold for monitoring the voltage can be specified. The current threshold can also be changed during runtime via the corresponding item.not used
Power ItemIdItemIDOIf availabe the current power value can be provided by this item.not used
Power Scale FactornumberOScale factor for the power value.1
Power ApproximateboolOIf enabled, an estimated power value based on the current and voltage is calculated. Note that this is calculation is only a rough estimation since the accuracy depends sending or polling interval of the current and voltage values.false
Energy ItemIdItemIDOIf availabe the current energy value can be provided by this item.not used
Energy Scale FactornumberOScale factor for the energy value.1
Energy ApproximateboolOIf enabled, an estimated energy value based on the current and voltage is calculated. Note that this is calculation is only a rough estimation since the accuracy depends sending or polling interval of the current and voltage values.false
Persistent boolOIf set to true, all items are set to persistent i.e. the last values are restored after server startup.false
Historical boolOIf set to true, all values are stored within the historical database (only for NETx BMS Server 2.0).false
Redundant boolOIf set to true, all items are synchronized with the backup server if available.true

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