Tutorial: Host your own files via the Web Manager

It is possible to host your own files via the embedded web server of the Web Manager. Using this functionality, you can provide e.g. PDF files like datasheets or other files via the visualization to the end user.

At the PC where the NETx BMS Platform is installed, these files must be copied to the following directory:


All files are located there are made available via the following URL ( IP and port have to replaced by the settings of your web visualization):



Suppose you would like to provide a PDF datasheet (my_datasheet.pdf) within the visualization. To do so, copy the file to e.g. C:\ProgramData\nxa4\external\global\datasheets\

This file can be access via the URL http(s)://<IP>:<port>/external/datasheets/my_datasheet.pdf. Suppose the IP of the PC where the BMS Platform is running is and the web visualization port for http is 80, you can access the PDF as follows:

To use this content in our visualization, add a new button and use the "Show URL Window" button mode: