Integrating Greencontrols room control unit

Integrating Greencontrols room control unit

Consider the following configuration. Within the room control unit relay 1 - 3 is activated. Each relay is linked to 1 group address. Within this example the KNX group address 1/1/1 - 1/1/3 where chosen.

As next, the configuration has to be export to Excel. To achieve this, press the button "Export to Excel ...":

The exported Excel has the following format:

NameObject functionDevice namePathComm flagRead flagWrite flagTransm flagUpdate flagInit-read flagPhysical adr.ReservedGroup addressesType informationData type
If bus voltage recovery,contact is>=0(unchange)switch_1_switch(Device name)
If bus voltage recovery,contact is>=0(unchange)switch_2_switch(Device name)
If bus voltage recovery,contact is>=0(unchange)switch_3_switch(Device name)

This export format has to converted to the KNX Telegram Definitions that our NETx BMS Platform or NETx MP Server is using. In addition, the KNXnet/IP router or interface that is used by our server to connect to the KNX network has to be defined.

To achieve this, open the KNX gateway definition within the Core Studio of the NETx BMS Platform or NETx MP Server:

Within the definition table, add a new definition the enter the IP address, the port number, the type and the name. The name can freely be chosen:

Afterwards, open the KNX telegram definition:

Each definition corresponds to 1 KNX group address that shall be used within our server. To used group address 1/1/1 of relay 1 of our room control unit, the following entry has to be added:

KNX grp. adr. is the group address that was configured for the relay. KNX gateway name must correspond to the name that was chosen in KNX gateway definition. Priority is normally LOW. Data size and data type depends on the data point of the room control unit. Description can freely be chosen.

If multiple KNX group addresses shall be defined, you can also import an Excel file.

The Excel must have the following format:

KNX grp. adr.KNX gateway namePriorityData SizeData TypeSigning ()Unit ()Description ()Read on reconnect (F)Read cycl. interval (s) (0)Persistent (F)Synchronize (T)






After having configured the KNXnet/IP router and all group addresses, save all files and restart the Core Server. Afterwards, you can find the data points within the Item Tree:

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