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New workspace

This dialog appears when the user wants to create a new workspace.  Once the “OK” button is clicked the workspace will be created.


Workspace name

The name of the new workspace is to be filled in here. This name will also be used to create a new folder in the “Workspaces” directory of the program directory. Therefore no special characters like “:”, “/”, or similar are allowed.

Page size

The size of the standard page is defined here. All newly created pages will have this size at start. The size of each page can be altered afterwards at any time. This standard size can be defined by selecting a defined size off of the drop down list or by adjusting a user defined format manually.

Font setDetermines which font is used for the workspace.

Workspace configuration

The tab General is structured as follows:


Workspace name

Displays the name of the workspace. It cannot be changed.
Background pictureThe picture specifies the background behind the canvas where the controls are placed on. If the text box is empty or filled with “Default” no picture will be displayed.
Background colorThe background behind the canvas where the controls are placed on will be colored in the selected color specified here. The pipette tool behind the color can be used to select a color from anywhere on the screen. A click onto the color field calls a color palette to select from directly.
Page sizeThe size of the standard page is defined with width and height. All newly created pages will have this size at start. The size of each page can be altered at any time afterward. This standard size can be defined by selecting a defined size off of the drop down list or by adjusting a user defined format manually.

The tab System is structured as follows:

Font setDetermines which font is used for the workspace.
Default fontDetermines which default font is used for the elements of the workspace.
Tool tips

Determines what message should appear when a cursor is positioned over a visualization's element.

  • Built in tool tips:  default tooltip shows basic information about the element.
  • Customize tool tips: allow to customize tool tips for each element individually. 
Visualization mode
  • Group element borders – Enables displaying the frames around all controls of a group when the mouse arrow is hovering over one group element and the application is in visualization mode.
  • Popup auto close– If active popup windows will be automatically closed when clicking into an area which is not part of the popup window and the application is in visualization mode.
BorderShow item quality – Displays a red border around the controls that have Server Items with an invalid (e.g. BAD, UNCERTAIN, ...) item quality.
GridShow grid in editor mode. 
Grid sizeDetermines the size of the grid.
Auto BackupWill backup the current state of the workspace automatically and keep them fully in sync.
Autosave intervalThe interval between auto backups. 

System configuration

System specific parameters can be changed within this dialog. These parameters do not have just workspace wide impact but affect the whole NETx Visualization Editor. 

Auto reconnectIf it is enabled a lost connection to the server will be automatically reestablished if possible. 
LanguageThis shows the possible languages available. After selecting a different language, the NETx Visualization Editor has to be restarted to apply the change.
Auto scale controlsAfter placing a control and putting a Server Item onto it by Drag & Drop the scaling of the axis or value will be adjusted according to the properties of the Server Item. If the maximum value is 100 or 360 the scale factor will be set to 1 and the maximum value of the control will be set accordingly. Should the maximum be 255 the value will be scaled by 1/2.55 and the control’s maximum be set to 100. In case the minimum value of the Server Item is -128 and its maximum 127 the scale factor 1/2.54 is applied and the boarders are set to -50 to 50.

Page configuration

Page specific parameters can be changed in this dialog.

NameThis name will be displayed in the title bar of the application in editor or visualization mode (not full screen). It also is the name under which the page appears in the drop down list in the tool bar.
HomepageThis determines whether this page is declared to be the homepage or not. One page must be homepage at any time. When the waiting time has elapsed without any user interaction the program will switch to the homepage.
Standby page

Standby page is the page the NETx Visualization Editor will switch to when the virtual standby time has elapsed. Is a waiting time set for the homepage this one will elapse first whereupon the timer for the standby page will run. If 2 minutes are set for the homepage timer and 3 minutes are set for the standby page then the standby page will be reached 5 minutes after the last user interaction.

Only one page can be standby page. Homepage and standby page cannot be one and the same. The check box Log off user determines whether the user will be logged off when switching to the standby page or not.

Is master pageIf enabled this page functions as a template for all pages deriving from it.
Page colorBy clicking onto the pipette the user is able to select a color from anywhere on the screen and use it as color for the page canvas. 
Page sizeThe standard drop down list allows the user to select a page size from predefined sizes. Width and height determine the size of the page while switching landscape and portrait also exchanges width and height with each other. 
Use master pagePages where the this option is set derive directly from the master page. Several properties are directly taken over. In addition to the page background and color, controls shown on the master page are displayed and will function exactly like defined on there.

Connection configuration

The NETx Visualization Editor can connect to any server which runs NETx BMS Core Server. It is also possible to connect to a second server in case the first one is not available. This feature allows not just a higher flexibility.

Hostname or IP AddressThis field needs to contain the hostname or IP Address of the NETx BMS Core Server to connect to.  It can be left empty when the server to connect to is on one and the same machine.
PortThe VNET port must also be entered. For the NETx BMS Core Server the default port is 14532. Port is configured in NETx BMS Core Server (Server > Server configuration...)
PasswordVisualization Editor's password for TLS communication default password is 1234. Password is configured in NETx BMS Core Server (Server > Server configuration...)

PINVisualization Editor's PIN for TLS communication default password is 1234. PIN is configured in NETx BMS Core Server (Server > Server configuration...)
User BackupThese options are used to configure a backup server. If it is activated, the following text box must contain the IP address or the hostname of the backup system. 


After establishing the connection to the server Visualization Editor required the user login information. Super Administrator or admin permissions are required in order to login to visualization edit mode. Default admin user has (username: admin, Password: changeme)

UsernameThe username used to log on onto the Visualization Editor.
PasswordThe password used to log on onto the Visualization Editor.
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