The NETx BMS Platform provides an interface which can be used to integrate information from the hotel management system MICROS Fidelio/Opera. Using this interface, information about the check-in/check-out procedure, the hotel guests and the hotel room states can be retrieved. In addition, it is also possible to send dedicated information from the NETx BMS Core Server to the MICROS Fidelio/Opera system. This interface for the NETx BMS Core Server is certified by MICROS. The official certificate can be found here.
The communication between the IFC interface and the NETx BMS Core Server is based on TCP/IP. In detail, the IFC interface acts as a TCP server and the NETx BMS Core Server acts a TCP client. The protocol itself is based on a communication standard called FIAS.
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FIAS is a common protocol for interfacing with hotel management system. Many other vendors for hotel management system are also using FIAS. If you have to integrate a hotel management system other the than supported ones, please contact the team of NETxAutomation. |
Integration steps
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The MICROS Fidelio/Opera interface is already included in the setup of the NETx BMS Core Server. In order to use it, an extra license is needed – for testing purposes, the "Demo" license includes the MICROS Fidelio/Opera interface. Please contact the team of NETxAutomation for more information. |
To start, open the BMS Core Studio. First, configure the IP address and port number that you have enter within the web service URL.This can be done by selecting "Driver Configuration" within the menu "Modules" -> "Fidelio/Opera". If this information is not known, please ask the Fidelio/Opera integrator.
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n addition the IP address and the port number, there are several configuration options which depend on the IFC settings at the Fidelio/Opera side. Normally, you can leave the default options. If the communication is not working correctly, please ask the Fidelio/Opera integrator whether "LRC" or "Use Ack" option have to be used. |
Then, the used hotel rooms have to be defined. This is done within the "Room definitions" within the menu "Modules" -> "Fidelio/Opera". Each definition line corresponds to one room.
These are the predefined room states that are available within Fidelio/Opera. However, it is possible to specify additional room states for additional functionality. For example, further states for "Do not disturb" or "Make up room" can be defined. Using this additional room states, it is possible to send additional information from the BMS Core Server to the Fidelio/Opera system. A typical use case is to add a KNX switch for DND that sends a user-defined room status (e.g. 7 "DND) to the Fidelio/Opera system. These additional room states have to configured within Fieldio/Opera by the Fidelio/Opera integrator.
Adding control functionality
After having configured the Fidelio/Opera interface, the provided data points can be linked to other data points within the NETx BMS Core Server. You can use V-Links, Server Tasks, LUA script or XLogic commands for providing this functionality.