This is done in the Emergency Test Mapping Defintions Table:
parameter | type | optional/mandatory | description | default |
Name | string | M | Name of the Dali gateway that is used within the gateway definition. |
Path | string | O | Path of the Dali gateway that is used within the gateway definition. | not used |
DeviceId | number | M | The DALI number of the device (starting with 1). |
Start Test | ItemId | M | Item that is used to start an emergency test. - Gira/Insta DALI Gateway Plus REG 218000, Hager Dali gateway KNX TYA670D,
Jung KNX DALI-Gateway Plus 2098 REGHE
: KNX Object #433 + (device ID -1) * 17 (i.e. #433, #450, #467, ...)Ipas DaliControl e64, MDT DaliControl IP Gateway SCN-DALI64.02, Merten KNX DALI-Gateway REG-K/1/16(64)/64/IP1 (MEG6725-0001), Schneider KNX DALI-Gateway MTN6725-0001:
Test Result | ItemId | M | Item which provides the test result. Dependening on the gateway type, the following KNX communication objects have to be used: - Gira/Insta DALI Gateway Plus REG 218000, Hager Dali gateway KNX TYA670D,
Jung KNX DALI-Gateway Plus 2098 REGHE
: KNX Object #432 + (device ID -1) * 17 (i.e. #432, #449, #466, ...)- Ipas DaliControl e64, MDT DaliControl IP Gateway SCN-DALI64.02,
Merten KNX DALI-Gateway REG-K/1/16(64)/64/IP1 (MEG6725-0001), Schneider KNX DALI-Gateway MTN6725-0001
: KNX KNX Object #177 + (device ID -1) * 11 (i.e. #177, #188, ...)- Siemens KNX/DALI Gateway N 141/03, N 141/21, N 141/31:
- Channel A: KNX Object #608 + (device ID -1) * 2 (i.e. #608, #610, ...)
- Channel B: KNX Object #1307+ (device ID -1) * 2 (i.e. #1307, #1309, ...)