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NamestringMName of the Dali gateway that is used within the gateway definition.
PathstringOPath of the Dali gateway that is used within the gateway definition.not used
DeviceIdnumberMThe DALI number of the device (starting with 1).
Start TestItemIdM

Item that is used to start an emergency test.

gateway typesdescription

Gira/Insta DALI Gateway Plus REG 218000, Hager Dali gateway KNX TYA670D,
Jung KNX DALI-Gateway Plus 2098 REGHE

KNX Object #433 + (device ID -1) * 17 (i.e. #433, #450, #467, ...)
Ipas DaliControl e64, MDT DaliControl IP Gateway SCN-DALI64.02, 
Merten KNX DALI-Gateway REG-K/1/16(64)/64/IP1 (MEG6725-0001), 
Schneider KNX DALI-Gateway MTN6725-0001
KNX Object #176 + (device ID -1) * 11 (i.e. #176, #187, ...)
Siemens KNX/DALI Gateway N 141/03, N 141/21, N 141/31
  • Channel A: KNX Object #607 + (device ID -1) * 2 (i.e. #607, #609, ...)
  • Channel B: KNX Object #1306 + (device ID -1) * 2 (i.e. #1306, #1308, ...)

Test ResultItemIdM

Item which that provides the test result. Dependening on the gateway type, the following KNX communication objects have to be used:

gateway typesdescription

Gira/Insta DALI Gateway Plus REG 218000, Hager Dali gateway KNX TYA670D,
Jung KNX DALI-Gateway Plus 2098 REGHE

KNX Object #432 + (device ID -1) * 17 (i.e. #432, #449, #466, ...)
Ipas DaliControl e64, MDT DaliControl IP Gateway SCN-DALI64.02, 
Merten KNX DALI-Gateway REG-K/1/16(64)/64/IP1 (MEG6725-0001), 
Schneider KNX DALI-Gateway MTN6725-0001
KNX Object #177 + (device ID -1) * 11 (i.e. #177, #188, ...)
Siemens KNX/DALI Gateway N 141/03, N 141/21, N 141/31
  • Channel A: KNX Object #608 + (device ID -1) * 2 (i.e. #608, #610, ...)
  • Channel B: KNX Object #1307+ (device ID -1) * 2 (i.e. #1307, #1309, ...)