Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


  • Projects: the inventory of visualization projects related to the current server workspace.
  • Devices: configured devices for visualization.
  • Users: assign users to visualization devices.
  • Groups: assign groups to visualization devices.
  • Configurations: set up specific permissions for layers and functions, set visualization workspace and page variables.


Click the Projects button Image Modified on the left-side menu of the Visualization Management app to open the Projects page. 

Toolbar functions


Import an existing visualization project. Use the Select file button or drag-and-drop the file onto the dashed-bordered drop area.

Delete the selected project.

Switch to multi-select mode.

Deploy project to the web server.

Refresh the list of projects.


Column nameDescription
NameName of the visualization project.
DevicesNumber of devices that use this project.
Last receivedTimestamp when the project was last sent by the Visualization Editor and received by the server or when the file has been uploaded.
Last deployedTimestamp when the project was last deployed for web visualization.


Click the Devices button Image Modified on the left-side menu of the Visualization Management app to open the Devices page. 

Each project needs at least one device definition. Later on, users or groups can be assigned to a device and the permissions and access rights can be configured.



Add a device.

Copy device.

Delete device.

Switch to multi-select mode.

Shows details of a connected web client. The client can be disconnected.


Start the visualization in a new browser tab.

Refresh list.


Column nameDescription
NameName of the device.
ProjectName of the project which is assigned to the device.

Shows the number of used connections / number of allowed connections for the device. "∞" indicates there is no connection limit configured.

EnabledEnables or disables a device. Disabled devices are not accessible.


Name *Name of the device (mandatory).
Connection limit

ON: Restricts the number of possible client connections to the device to a specified number.

OFF: The number of connected clients is not limited.

Project *

The visualization project that runs on the device (mandatory).


Click the Users button Image Modified on the left-side menu of the Visualization Management app to open the Users page. 

Left: The list of users as defined in the User Management.


Column nameDescription
(checkbox)Configures the device access for the user.
NameName of the device. Disabled devices are shown in italic.


Click the Configurations button Image Modified on the left-side menu of the Visualization Management app to open the Configurations page. 

The list on the left hand side shows configurations. The form on the right hand side shows the properties of the configuration.

A configuration is an extension to the device/user/project settings as described before. It is used to define detailed like a container which can store detailed informations concerning access to layers and functions as well as provide visualization values of workspace and page variables.

A configuration has to be unique per device, per user/group and per project. Note: only the project is mandatory, the device and user/group are optional .The list on the left hand side shows configurations. The form on the right hand side shows the properties of the and can remain empty!

When a client connects, the system tries to get the relevant configuration:

  1. step: by all its keys (as in Evaluation 1) - if there is no result evaluate next step, otherwise configuration found. 
  2. step: by two keys (as in Evaluation 2) - if there is no result evaluate next step, otherwise configuration found.
  3. step: by two keys (as in Evaluation 3) - if there is no result evaluate next step, otherwise configuration found.
  4. step: by one key (as in Evaluation 4) - if there is no result no configuration is available, otherwise configuration found.

System evaluation of configurations  

KeysEvaluation 1Evaluation 2Evaluation 3Evaluation 4

1. key


2. key 

3. keyDevice

When defining a configuration the user has to ensure that the keys of the configuration fit to the project - otherwise the system will never apply the configuration.

Toolbar functions


Add a configuration.

Duplicate configuration.

Delete configuration.

Switch to multi-select mode.

List of configurations

Column nameDescription
NameName of the configuration.
DeviceName of the device affected by this configuration.
User / GroupName of the user or group affected by this configuration.
ProjectName of the project affected by this configuration.


Name *Name of the configuration (mandatory).


of devices. LIST?Name of the device, used as key when searching for a configuration.
User/GroupList Name of users/groups. LIST?the user/group, used as key when searching for a configuration.
Project *List of projects. LIST?Name of the project, used as key when searching for a configuration.
Item Link FileName of the CSV file for item mapping.
Select FileSelect a CSV file for item mapping or use the dashed-bordered box as a drop target for the file.
HomepageThe first page to be shown after login.


Click the Layers button to open the list of available layers in the project.


Here, specific layer permissions for this configuration can be defined.


Here, specific values of visualization workspace variables for this configuration can be defined.

Workspace variables are defined in the Visualization Editor during the design phase of the project. 

As shown in the picture, the variable "WS Variable 1" gets the value "UserIsAdmin" - but this assignment is only valid for the current configuration.

The value of the workspace variable will be evaluated in the visualization during runtime - e.g. for showing or hiding contents.

A workspace variable is available in the whole workspace of the project.

Column nameDescription
NameName of the workspace variable.

Value of the workspace variable.


Here, specific values of variables of the homepage for this configuration can be defined.



Column nameDescription
NameName of the page variable.

Value of the page variable.
