The guest room management system can be configured via the Web Manager GRMS app available from the dashboard. In order to be able to access GRMS functionality the GRMS extension needs to be installed upfront.
Available settings
Setting | Description |
Auto generate rooms | If set to true hotel rooms will be automatically created by traversing through the Fidelio/Protel item structure. Rooms will be created within the same structure as in Fidelio/Protel and the items for RoomChecked, GuestName and GuestLanguage will be connected automatically. |
Default visualization project | Hotel rooms created manually or automatically will use this visualization project as default project. |
UI color | Used in NETx Vision app for customizing the app look and feel. |
Logo | Used in NETx Vision app for customizing the app look and feel. If set |
Checkout text | |
Web Manager Endpoint | |
Web Visualization Endpoint |