Fidelio/Opera First steps
You will find the menu entry “Fidelio/Opera” within the “Modules” of the NETx BMS Studio. Here you find two definition files:
- Driver Configuration: Here you have to set the IP address and port number of the Fidelio/OperaServer. The other parameters can be left as default or have to be set according to the Fidelio/Opera configuration. You will get more information from the Fidelio/Opera integrator who is installing the IFC interface at Fidelio/Opera side.
- Room Definition: Here all rooms have to defined. Important is the first column. This must be the same room number that Fidelio/Opera is using. Normally you get the list from the Fidelio/Opera integrator.
Update on Reconnect
Normally, Fidelio/Opera is only sending new checkins/checkouts – the current state of all rooms is not sent after connecting to Fidelio/Opera.
However, there is a possibility to initiate a database resync of Fidelio/Opera after connecting to it. First, you have to activate “Enable Update on Reconnect” within the configuration of our BMS server. This is done in the BMS Studio via “Modules” à “Fidelio/Opera” -> “Driver Configuration …”. Please find enclosed a screenshot (Fidelio_Update.png).