Within this definition file, the Helvar devices can be configured.
File location
Each device has its own row with the parameters separated by a semicolon. (CSV-format)
The interface configuration can be edited in the NETx Core Server Studio at HelvarNet > Device Definitions
Col# | Parameter | Description | Scope | Unit | Default value |
1 | Name | Name of the device . Must be unique. | string | None | |
2 | Router | Name of router to which the device is connected. | string | None | |
3 | Address | Device address. | string | None | |
4 | Fade time seconds | Used default fade time in seconds. | integer | s | 5 |
5 | Is emergency device | Specifies whether the device is an emergency device. | boolean | None | False |
6 | Power consumption poll interval | Time interval in seconds for polling the power consumption. | integer | s | 0 |