
The SNMP driver implements the server- and client-side of the SNMP protocol. It supports SNMP V1, V2 and V3. On the one hand, server items can be mapped to SNMP data points that are accessible by foreign SNMP clients via their Object Identifiers (OIDs). In addition, server item value changes can sent to foreign SNMP client via SNMP traps.

On the other hand, our driver can be used to integrate SNMP data points from one or more SNMP capable devices.

SNMP data points are addressed via their OID. SNMP communication is possible in two ways:

The driver is available for free. Each defined SNMP data point decreases the available licensed data points by one.


The SNMP driver is provided as an extension and is not included within the default setup.

To install the SNMP driver, open the Core Studio and shutdown the Core Server. Afterwards, start the Extension Manager via the menu Extensions > Manager > Start Extension Manager ....

Within the dialog, select "SNMP" and press the Install button. After having installed the SNMP driver, close the BMS studio and reopen it. Within the menu of the Core Studio you will find a new menu, SNMP. It contains items for all definitions that are necessary for configuration the SNMP driver.


Further articles

Interface is available for the following products: 








  • SNMP server side functionality now available

    • Server Items can be mapped to SNMP data points.

    • Server Item value changes can trigger SNMP traps

    • Generation of MIB file


  • Hot-reload of configuration files

  • Support for new V3 security modes

  • Write all value changes received in a single packet in a single call

After updating the extension, during server start any previous versions of SNMP extension will be uninstalled, followed by a restart of the NETx Server.




  • SNMP driver now available as plugin


  • Device with empty community string is ignored – fixed.

Further articles