SNMP data point definitions

SNMP data point definitions

TheCore Server polls the information of the SNMP device. The received data is finally represented as server items. This allows to monitor each single SNMP data point of the SNMP device.

File location


Col#Parameter DescriptionScopeUnitMandatory / default value
1Server NameThe server name references to the name within the device configuration. Reference to SNMP device definitionsnonemandatory
2Object IDThis parameter refers to the SNMP OID values of the MIB tree. This value has to be unique for each device in the configuration and needs to be set.SNMP OIDnonemandatory
3NameThis attribute defines the name of the server item. If the value is not set in the configuration file, the OID attribute is used to define a name for the server item.stringnoneOID
4DescriptionThe parameter enables the user to add a description for the data point.stringnoneempty
5Data typeThe parameter enables to define the data type of the SNMP device item, which is represented on the server. String, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, IPAddress, NetAddressnoneString
6Access modeThis parameters specifies the access mode of the data point on the server. ReadOnly, WriteOnly, ReadWritenoneReadOnly
7Polling intervalThe polling interval specifies the time period, after which the Core Server checks again the item value. 100 - 4294967295ms5000
8PersistentThis parameter specifies whether the value of the data point is persistent (restored from the database after server start up) or not. true/falsenonefalse

10SynchronizeIf this parameter is set to true, the value is synchronized between the main and backup server (if present). true/falsenonetrue
11Retry countNumber of tries that are performed before reading a data point fails.1 - 2147483647none3

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