

The latest versions of the NETx BMS Platform and NETx Multi Protocol Server are available on our website: 


After downloading and starting the setup installer, the following Windows prerequisites will be installed if not already available:

  • .NET Framework 4.8

  • .NET 8 ASP.NET Core Runtime and Desktop Environment for version R2 Build 2069 or newer (.NET 6 for version R2 Build 2050 up to 2068)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package

    • For versions older than R2 Build 2050: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package

  • .NET Framework 3.5 (required by OPC DA Runtime)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (required by OPC DA Runtime)

  • OPC DA Runtime

  • Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

Steps of the installation process (Setup R2 Build 2069)

Note that under Microsoft Windows™ server systems the installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5™ might be needed to be done manually by installing the according server feature.

If you use the HelvarNet and have a new installation of R2 Build 2069, you also need .NET 6 in order to launch the HelvarNet Wizard.

If you updated the installation from a build version before 2069, .NET 6 should be already present.

Two .NET 6 runtimes needs to be download and installed. You can download them from the Microsoft web site here and here. They can be installed before or after the NETx BMS Platform/Multi Protocol Server installation.

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After having installed all prerequisites and accepting the license, the setup process is started. You can choose between a complete or custom installation.

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With the Custom Setup Type, you can configure the installation path and choose which components are to be installed.

The default directory for the installation is (part of the Complete Setup Type):

  • For NETx BMS Platform: C:\Program Files (x86)\NETxAutomation\BMS Platform

  • For NETx Multi Protocol Server: C:\Program Files (x86)\NETxAutomation\Multi Protocol Server

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Only for NETx BMS Platform (not for NETx Multi Protocol Server):

  • Server-side components include all components that are required for running an instance of the NETx BMS Platform.

  • Visualization Editor and Runtime will install the Windows application for creating visualization projects and for using the PC based visualization runtime.

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Only for NETx BMS Platform (not for NETx Multi Protocol Server):

An SQL database is required. The user can choose between the following options:

  • MariaDB 10.6: choosing this option will install a new instance of Maria DB on the local computer. This instance has no database size limit.

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP2 Express Ed.: choosing this option will install a new instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express Edition on the local computer. Note that this instance has a database size limit of 10 GB SQL data.

  • None: this option can be chosen if you want to use an already existing SQL database.

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If you choose MariaDB, the service name and the port can be configured.

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If a new database instance is installed, an database password has to be set. The default is "netxnetx_123456". For production use, we strongly recommend to use a different one.

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After a click on the install button, the installation process gets started. After the installation process has finished, the software is ready to use.

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Article applies to the following products:

  • NETx BMS Platform

  • NETx Multi Protocol Server


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