

Basic Information

Trending will help to give an overview of changes and values of a selected item. This item will be represented in a graphical view of your choice. In this demo a Trending for two items will be created: Electricity and outside temperature. Those two Trending can be related through a Chart that will represent the interaction between the Trendings.

Create a Trending

Creating a Trending: In Netx WebManager, by going to Trending App or Explorer App and add a new Trending. First Trending will represent the used electricity and the second Trending will represent the outside temperature. Each Trending must have a Name, Item and Type. Item is the datapoint that we want to trend. Type is the applied function.  
The graphical representation of Trending can be seen by changing the view in the Trending App. This view can be changed by choosing the   from the top bar. 

Created Trending's will appear in the database of the current Workspace. ["Workspace_Name"].[dbo].[NETX_TRENDING_DEFINITION]. Each Trending will be assigned to a unique ID (WID).

Values of the Trendings can be found under  ["Workspace_Name"].[dbo].[NETX_TRENDING_VALUE]

Create a Chart

Charts are used to represent the interaction between Trendings. To create a Chart in Trending App or Explorer App and add a new Chart. Here the Chart will represent the usage of electricity based on the outside temperature. 

In Chart view, the following Chart shows the usage of the electricity and how it has increased when the temperature was dropped down and vise versa. The changes can be shown as a graphical chart or as a table. 

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