Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following image shows the default form to edit a trending.


Enable (default) or disable the trending. 

When a trending is disabled,

  • it It does not log any values until it is enabled again.
  • its Its name appears is displayed in italic font.
  • in In the Trending app , / chart view, the trending name is extended by " - disabled"
  • in In the Metering app , / calculation chart, the trending name is extended by " - disabled"
Name *The name Name of the trending (mandatory).
DescriptionTrending description.
Item *

Select an item from the item tree. The trending logs the values of this item.

Type *

Type of the trending (Mandatory).

  • All:
Log all
  • All value changes of the item are logged
  • Average:
 Log the
  •  The average value of the item
  • over a given period of time is recorded.
  • COV:
 Log the
  •  The value of the item is logged when it
  • exceeds a given absolute or relative threshold.
  • Delta:
 Log the delta (
  •  The difference
  • of
the item's value
  • the current value to the previous value is recorded in intervals of the given time period
  • Max:
 Log the
  •  The maximum value of the item
  • over a given period of time is recorded.
  • Meter sampling:
 Log data in a predefined interval between 5 minutes and 1
  •  For each interval of the given time period the current value of the item is logged. Time calculation starts at full hour.
  • Min:
 Log the
  •  The minimum value of the item
  • over a given period of time is recorded.
  • Pulse:
 Log the
  •  The number of received values of the item.
  • Sampling:
 Log data in a definable interval
  •  For each interval of the given time period the current value of the item is logged.

Depending on the selected type additional form fields may appear.

Max age [days]

Max age of trending data Trending data older that the given age in days will be deleted.

0 (default): Ignore age of data.Select a number how many days to keep the data of the trending. Older data will be deleted.

Interval [s]

Interval [min]

Time interval in seconds.

Time interval in minutes.

COV type

Absolute (default): Defines  Specifies the threshold value as absolute value.

Percentage: Defines  Specifies the threshold value as relative value.

ThresholdLog data in the trending when the change of value is grater than the thresholdIn a COV trending, when the threshold is exceeded then the current item value is logged.


Disabled (default): Scaling is turned offNo scaling of the item value.

Enabled: Scaling is turned on and a scaling function appears for configuration The item value is linearly scaled according to the given coefficients before being logged. Additional form fields appear.

Min-Max Validation

Disabled (default): Validation is deactivatedNo validation.

Enabled: Validation is activated. Values  Values outside the given min-max range are ignored and not logged to the trending. Additional form fields appear.

Min allowed valueMinimum value.
Max allowed valueMaximum value.
Time program

Disabled (default): Time program is deactivateddisabled.

Enabled: Time program is activated. The trending logs data in the period defined by Start date/time and End date/time Data is only logged during the specified period of time.

Start date/timeStart of time rangeprogram.
End date/timeEnd of time rangeprogram.

Graphical presentation of the trending data.

RangeDefault time range to view in chart view: Day, Week, Month, Year, Custom.
ColorTrending colorColor of the graph.

Specifies the precision of values (trending and trendline) shown in table view or chart view.

Select the number of decimals to show:
0, 1 (default) to 6, All

Y axis scaling

Dynamic (default): The system will define the best scaling depending Based on the values. This is a relative representation of the valuesdisplayed values, the range of the Y axis is dynamically adjusted.

0-based: All trending values appear in an absolute representationThe X axis intersects the Y axis at 0.

Y axis labelLabel of the y Y axis.

Enabled (default): Aggregated values appear in the chart. The aggregated value is the average value for a certain  Values are average-aggregated in order to display a well-readable number of values, e.g. 1 value per hour in a day period.

Disabled: All values appear  The recorded raw values are shown in the chart - without aggregation.