Server details

Server details


This page shows the details of the selected server in the integrator's cloud portal.

Open the Servers page and click a server in the Servers list to open this page.


At the top of the page the server name, status, location, license, and the last seen timestamp are displayed.

Next, the action links EDIT, CREATE BACKUP, and DELETE are displayed.

The remaining page content is split up into four tab folders:

  • Info
  • Activities
  • Items
  • Backup

Info tab

This tab shows the following server details and the server location on the map.

Field Description
License IDLicense installed on the server.
LocationCountry and city where the server is located.
Last seen

Timestamp when the last heartbeat of the server was received by the cloud portal.

UptimeElapsed time since last server restart.
Last BackupTimestamp of the last backup.
DatabaseStatus of the database connection.
Web ManagerStatus of the Web Manager.
Web ServerStatus of the Web Server.
Reporting ServerStatus of the Reporting Server.

Activities tab

This tab shows the list of the last server activities.

Items tab

This tab shows selected Server Items.

Backup tab

This tab shows a list of backups of the selected server including the workspace name, the backup time and size.


Download the backup file.

Delete backup file.

Remote tab

The Cloud Portal can establish the following secure tunnel connections to a connected BMS Platform server:

  • Web Manager
  • Web visualization
  • VNC

Secure tunnel connections for Web Manager and Web Visualization do not require any configuration, i.e. no opening of external ports.

In order to establish a VNC connection the Tight VNC Server (https://www.tightvnc.com/download.php) needs to be installed locally on the machine running the BMS platform. In addition VNC loopback connections have to be allowed in the TightVNC Service Configuration → Access Control → Loopback Connections → Allow loopback connections. A password for VNC remote access should always be used!



Click the EDIT link to open the edit form:

Create Backup

Click the CREATE BACKUP button to initiate a backup of the server. A feedback of the backup process is shown.


Click the DELETE button to remove this server from the organization's list of servers.

A confirmation dialog is shown:

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