

Used to calculate the time difference between now and the last value change of an item where the value was equal to a defined one.


This logic can be used to calculate the time difference to the last value change. Only those value changes are considered where the value is equal to the parameter "Value". If the item is not equal to the parameter "Value" the output is 0. The output item must be of data type DATE.


  • Input (ItemID): source Item that shall be monitored


  • Output (ItemID): output item where the time difference is stored. The item must be of data type DATE


  • Value (any): Value used to compare the value change

Possible trigger types

  • All

Applies to

  • NETx BMS Platform, XLogic Library 1.0.11+
  • NETx Multi Protocol Server, XLogic Library 1.0.11+

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