MQTT data point definitions

MQTT data point definitions

The MQTT interface is used to send and receive data from and to MQTT brokers. The MQTT data point definition table defines all MQTT topics that are used within the project.

File location


Col#Parameter DescriptionScopeUnitMandatory / default value
1Broker NameThe name of the broker to which this topic belongs to. This name must be same as it is used within the broker definition. stringnonemandatory
2Broker Path

The path of the broker to which this topic belongs to. This path must be same as it is used within the broker definition. 

3TopicMQTT topic name within the broker. stringnonemandatory
4Data typeThe type of the data point. BOOL, STR, BYTE, CHAR, INT8, UINT8, INT16, UINT16, INT32, UINT32, INT64, UINT64, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DATE, TIMEnoneSTR
5Access modeThe access rights of the data point. Allowed values are R (read-only), W (write-only), RW (read and writable).R, W, RWnoneRW
6PersistentIf enabled, the last known data point value is restored after server start up.true/falsenonefalse
7Synchronize If enabled, the value is synchronized with the backup server if used.true/falsenonetrue

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