How to monitor a Windows Service

The aim is to trigger an action (e.g. sending an e-mail) if a Windows service like the NETx Server stops working.

To monitor a Windows service, you can use third party tools. For simply sending an e-mail, you can also use a powershell commando.

  1. Open the Windows Services within the Windows control panel.
  2. Select the “NETxBMSCoreServer40” and open the property dialog
  3. Within the “Recovery” tab, you have to select “Run a program” for “First failure”.
  4. As program you have to enter “powershell” and as command line parameters: “Send-MailMessage -From "<your from address>" -To "<destination address>" -Subject "BMS Alarm" -Body "BMS Server stopped working" -SmtpServer <host or IP of your local SMTP server>