MP Server R2 Build 2050
Release date: Apr 1, 2022
New features
App loader for integrating .NET 6 apps
Setup: .NET 6 Core Runtime is installed as a prerequisite.
Server / Item property "TimeElapsed" provides time in seconds since the value has been changed.
Server / XCommand event definitions: Type "Input" can optionally make the configured call synchronously.
Server / LUA: New callback function OnScriptRestartEvent, which is called when the LUA script engine is started.
Server / LUA: New function nxa.ResetQuality, which resets the value and optionally sets quality, timestamp, and source of a server item.
Studio: Allow long user inputs when writing to a server item.
Studio: Only the last error message is shown as Windows system message in the task bar.
Studio / Tables: Supports drag-and-drop and received copy-and-paste improvements.
Server / XCommand event definitions: Types "Timer" and "Timer and input" can now trigger the event every day at the configured time.
Server / LUA: Limit of XCON sockets increased to 150 connections.
Studio: Broken link to documentation – fixed.
Studio / Telegram monitor: No output if no KNX server items are present – fixed.
Server: Possible deadlock related to OPC UA connections – fixed.
Server / LUA: XCON subsystem is broken after LUA script engine restart – fixed.
Server / BACnet: Possible duplicated Object IDs from BACnet mapping when mixing manual and automatic IDs – fixed.
Server / BACnet: Possible crash when receiving unexpected packed – fixed.
XLogic Editor
New features
Visual debugger.
SWITCH block, which chooses the next block to be executed specified by an index.
CASE block, which chooses the next block to be executed specified by a set of conditions.