Mews configuration
Mews configuration
Within this configuration file, general Mews settings are configured.
File location
This definition file is a live definition. Therefore, it is not required to restart the server after changes.
Parameter | Description | Scope | Unit | Default value |
ClientToken | Client token of your Mews accounts. | string | None |
AccessToken | Access token of your Mews accounts. | string | None |
PlatformURL | URL used to access the Mews web services. | string | None | |
WebsocketURL | URL used to access the Mews web socket. | string | None | wss://ws.mews.com/ws/connector |
ClientId | Client ID that is sent to the Mews web services. | string | None | NETx Server |
ReconnectionTimeOut | Reconnect time out in seconds. | 1 – 2147483647 | seconds | 10 |