BMS Platform R2 Build 2010
BMS Platform R2 Build 2010
Release date:
New features
- Server: Extended XLogic execution logging.
- Server: New config parameter to consider longer startup times of remote OPC servers.
- Server: New option to prevent database migration in case there is no database access at all.
- Server, BACnet: mapping now supports date-value (#42) and time-value (#50) types.
- Server, BACnet: support of TimeSynchronization and UTCTimeSynchronization services.
- Server, KNX: telegrams with SYSTEM priority are sent through a prioritized queue.
- Studio: 3rd-party licenses are now included in setup installer and reachable through the Help menu.
- Setup: TeamViewer applicance updated.
- Server: Extended logging for internal server loop monitoring.
- Server: Change of log level is now logged.
- Server: Enhanced check for invalid characters in database name.
- Service Control: Enhanced plausibility checks for Web Manager port settings.
- Setup: Possible incomplete component registration that prevents Studio and Visualization Editor from being started after installation – fixed.
- Server: Possible alarm time program malformation during server restart – fixed.
- Server: Timestamp of latest change in OPC structure is circumstancially negative – fixed.
- Server: Upon server restart, possible execution of one-time events from the past – fixed.
- Server: Failed plugin start-up potentially prevents further plugins from being loaded – fixed.
- Server: Client XCommands BMS.*.ENABLE report error if call does not lead to a change – fixed.
- Server: Crash on exit – fixed.
- Server: Database synchronization issues during startup – fixed.
- Server, BACnet: Both driver and explorer fail to work if more than 16 network interfaces are configured – fixed.
- Server, LUA: nxaCsvHandlung.lua ignores empty fields – fixed.
- Studio: Possible memory leak prevented.
- Service Control: Memory leak when Web Manager details dialog is left open – fixed.
- Service Control: Enabled HTTPS-only option for Web Manager leads to Webserver status 1 (NOK) – fixed.
- Editor, Label: In operation mode control, the first assigned server item is configured to be sent to and received from by default.
- Runtime: Improved page load speed by deactivating aGIFs while switching pages.
- Webserver: Generally available HTML page for font usage reference.
- Webserver: Runtime control properties LEFT and TOP can be used in combination with variables.
- Webserver, Button: Toggle button reset timeout increased from 10 to 30 s.
- Editor: Possible crash when switching to pages with specific contents – fixed.
- Editor, Button: Parsing error of XCommand parameter string – fixed.
- Runtime: Dynamic visibility change of a control applies geometry of wrong view – fixed.
- Runtime, Label: Input field shows formatted output instead of actual server item value – fixed.
- Runtime, Button: Title offset is not considered when aligned to the bottom – fixed.
- Webserver: Main/backup-handover issues of SQL database is not reachable – fixed.
- Webserver: Background color configured for the project is not used – fixed.
- Webserver: Unable to navigate to a page which's tab had just been closed – fixed.
- Webserver: Connection counter issues – fixed.
- Webserver, Button: Parsing error of XCommand parameter string – fixed.
- Webserver, Label: Value scaling does not work if mixed type data points are linked to the control – fixed.
- Webserver, Label: Password tooltip is not properly HTML encoded – fixed.
- Webserver, Label: Input field preset is not properly HTML encoded – fixed.
- Webserver, Internet: Control is possibly not showing content – fixed.
- Webserver, Slider: Click does not set the slider's value to the mouse position – fixed.
Web Manager
New features
- Project tree shows description of an element as tooltip.
- Alarms: Suppress/release of an alarm records the current user and an optional comment.
- Alarms: Alarm list restriction to selected folder does not happed when embedded in a visualization page.
- Metering: Cost rate is available as server item.
- Metering, Calculation chart: Optional display of labels in the plot.
- Metering, Calculation chart: New calculation type Costs.
- Trending: Allows also data points of type String for trending types all and sampling.
- Trending: Chart view is renamed to Plot view in order to prevent confusion with Trending Chart elements.
- Trending: Limit for automated aggregation in plots is available as configuration setting.
- Trending, Chart: Temporary hiding of configured trending in the plot view by clicking on the respective entry in the legend.
- Default page size in the project tree can be configured in the user preferences.
- Selection of elements for reference is now also possible from the project tree's details pane.
- App version of connected Vision clients is noted in the log.
- Improved warning if the ports configured for the Webserver are occupied by a different application.
- Metering: Presentation of cost center, assignments of cost center and meter point elements has been redesigned.
- Metering, Calculation chart: Configuration UI has been redesigned.
- Metering, Cost center plan: Performance improvement when adding a cost center to a large cost center plan.
- Trending: Fallback trending type All for string item trendings.
- Trending, Chart: Export table view to Excel writes a single file with a separate page for each referenced Trending.
- Trending, Raw data: Import data timestamps are treated as from a specified time zone.
- Connection loss of the backend to the Core Server possibly results in erratic frontend behavior – fixed.
- Disabled login form can be submitted by enter key – fixed.
- Command configuration: Result of the Report instance picker is assigned to multiple commands – fixed.
- General permission issues – fixed.
- General drag-and-drop issues – fixed.
- General multiselect issues – fixed.
- General UI stability issues – fixed.
- Multiselect mode is disrupted by click in the project tree – fixed.
- Explorer: Export / Import overlays interfere with underlying UI components– fixed.
- Alarm: Suppress dialog UI fixes.
- Alarm: Non-preset priority value crashes alarm list frontend – fixed.
- Alarm: On resizing the browser window, alarm list columns circumstancially disappear – fixed.
- Alarm: Alarm list cannot be scrolled under certain circumstances – fixed.
- Alarm: Moving away from an alarm with a time program leads to unmotivated "Save?" prompt – fixed.
- Metering: Initial meter reading is treated as consumption – fixed.
- Metering: Meter reading values are displayed with a temporal offset – fixed.
- Metering: Cost center tree is not updated when deleting metering items from the project tree – fixed.
- Metering, Calculation chart: Incorrect binning of the data – fixed.
- Metering, Calculation chart: Missing scrollbar in configuration – fixed.
- Metering, Calculation chart: No data in table view if too many columns – fixed.
- Metering, Calculation chart: Itemized value option cannot be changed – fixed.
- Trending: Moving a trending onto another trending deletes the source element – fixed.
- Trending: Custom plot range is not saved – fixed.
- Trending, Plot view: No display if language is set to Romanian – fixed.
- Trending, Plot view: Title is not updated when changing selection in the project tree – fixed.
- Trending, Plot view: Time axis is malformed if only a single value is displayed – fixed.
- Trending, Raw data: Export ignores user's selection of records – fixed.
- Trending, Raw data: Overlay resets underlying UI components – fixed.
- Trending, Raw data: Column sort does not work – fixed.
- Templates: Changes in alarm templates time program are not saved – fixed.
- Templates: Introducing a new variable overwrites previously usage of variables – fixed.
- Reports: Configuration is not read from file – fixed.
- Diagnosis, Item tree: Value of 0 cannot be written to numeric items – fixed.
- Diagnosis, Item tree: Write item overlay does not close after writing – fixed.
New features
- Editor: New go-to-node function for quick navigation.
- Editor: Saving a command circumstancially reloads the command and conceils possible messages – fixed.
Updated Extensions
, multiple selections available,
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