LaMPS UPS Server items in the item tree

LaMPS UPS Server items in the item tree

Based on the configured UPS devices, a number of data points is available in the item tree. For each UPS device, a branch with its name is created within NETx\Module\LaMPS\UPS.


item name



item name



Battery charging state


The battery charge state as used in reports. If UPS definitions, col Battery level manual override is enabled and Battery charging state - manual is set, then the value of the latter data point is set here. Otherwise, Battery charging state - device is used.

Battery charging state - device


The device reading of the battery. Value is taken from UPS definitions, col Battery level.

Battery charging state - manual


Only present if UPS definitions, col Battery level manual override is enabled. A value provided here will supersede Battery charging state - device in the final value in item Battery charging state.

Battery charging state - manual reset


Only present if UPS definitions, col Battery level manual override is enabled. Write 1 to this data point to relinquish a previously set value in Battery charging state - manual.

Start Function Test


Write 1 to this data point to trigger a UPS function test.

Start Partial Duration Test


Write 1 to this data point to trigger a UPS partial duration test.

Test faulty devices only


If set to True when a test is triggered, only DALI devices that failed the previous test will be submitted to the test.

Test Locked


If set to True when a test is triggered, the test will abort immediately and a non-successful test is recorded in the database.

Test Triggered


  • Changes from False to True after a test has beed triggered by writing to Start Function Test or Start Partial Duration Test.

  • Changes from True to False after the test result has been written to the database.

Use this data point as a callback to indicate that a test has been triggered.

Test Running


  • Changes from False to True after brightness levels of all affected DALI devices have been set to 100 % (if configured) and the test start delay has of the UPS definitions has elapsed.

  • Changes from True to False when the respective test duration has elapsed or when the Stop Test item receives a 1.

Use this data point as a callback to indicate that a test is currently running.

Stop Test


Write 1 to this data point to stop a running UPS test.

Remaining Test Runtime


The remaining runtime in minutes of a triggered test.

Number Faulty Devices


The number of devices that failed on the latest test.

Last triggered test


Shows the type of the last triggered test, according to LaMPS test type encoding.

Last test was


Shows the type of the last completed test. Encoding as in Last triggered test.

Last test stopped


True if the last test was stopped through the Stop Test data point.

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