Tutorial: Integrate a webcam view in a visualization project

Tutorial: Integrate a webcam view in a visualization project

To integrate the live feed of a webcam in a visualization project the web server has to host an HTML document that provides that feed. Following models are supported:

Further vendors can be offered on request.

  1. Extract the suitable zip's content in C:\ProgramData\nxa4\external\global.

  2. Adapt the settings in the HTML file.

  3. Ensure that the Web Manager service is running.

  4. Testing

    1. local access: use a web browser and access http://localhost:<port>/external/<path-to-camera-file-html>. E.g., the Axis file is located in Axis\axis.html, so the URL is http://localhost/external/Axis/axis.html.

    2. remote access: on the machine where you intend to run the visualization, open a web browser and access the target file using the web server's IP address, e.g.

  5. Integrate the view in visualization: create an internet control on a visualization page and use the URL for remote access from the previous step, e.g.

Start the visualization project, and the provided HTML file is displayed in the internet control.

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