ABB DG/S 1.1

ABB DG/S 1.1


The ABB DG/S 1.1 supports two DALI channels, A and B. For each channel, one definition has to be added within the ABB DG/S 1.1 definition table. If you are using both channels of a single gateway, you have to distinguish them only by the name. For example, you can use "My DALI Gateway - Channel A" and "My DALI Gateway - Channel B" as names for the two definitions.

In addition to the common configuration options the following configuration options are available for each channel:

parametertypeoptional/mandatorycommunication objectdescriptiondefault
Fault DaliItemIdOKNX Object #4 or #22, polledTrue, if there is a general DALI error.
Fault LampsItemIdMKNX Object #5 or #23, polledTrue, if there is a lamp error for at least 1 DALI device.
Fault DeviceItemIdMKNX Object #6 or #24, polledTrue, if there is a ballast failure for at least 1 DALI device.
Select Device ItemIdMKNX Object #7 or #25

Selected Device OnOff ItemIdOKNX Object #8 or #26

Selected Device Lamp FailureItemIdMKNX Object #15 or #33

Selected Device Device FailureItemIdMKNX Object #16 or #34

Change of device sends faultsboolO
If true, the gateway automatically sends fault information when a new device is selected.false
Change of device sends statusboolO
If true,  the gateway automatically sends status information when a new device is selected.false

Functional description

The ABB DG/S 1.1 does not support emergency lighting. However, it provides the possibility to monitor lamp and device fault of all connected DALI devices. 

Fault information is provided by three Server Items which are located directly under the gateway branch within the Server Item Tree:

item name


KNX IP ConnectionThis item reflects the KNXnet/IP tunneling connection to KNXnet/IP router or interface which is used to communicate with the KNX/DALI gateway.
FaultTrue, if there is either a Dali, Ballast or Lamp fault.
Fault DALITrue, if there is a fault of the DALI communication of the channel.
Fault DevicesTrue, if there is a fault on one or more DALI devices on the channel.
Fault LampTrue, if there is a lamp fault of one or more DALI devices on the channel. In case of a fault, LaMPS starts to test all configured devices in order to see which device(s) have a fault. 
Fault BallastTrue, if there is a ballast fault of one or more DALI devices on the channel. In case of a fault, LaMPS starts to test all configured devices in order to see which device(s) have a fault. 

Normal DALI testing server items per DALI gateway

item name



Trigger faulty devices only


If true then the next test will test only devices that are mentioned in the Faulty devices server item. Otherwise all devices are tested.

Trigger Test


Used to trigger a normal DALI test for all devices.

Test Running


True, when a normal DALI test is currently running.

Number Faulty Devices


Number of faulty devices as determined in the last test execution.

Faulty devices


A comma-separated sorted list of numbers of faulty DALI devices.

Testing is done by used the KNX communication selected device. First, LaMPS sets the DALI number of the device under test to the communication "Select Device". Then the KNX communication objects "Selected Device Lamp Failure" and "Selected Device Device Failure" are evaluated. If the DALI gateway sends the fault information automatically ("Change of device sends faults" is configured to "F"), LaMPS waits for the KNX telegram. If the gateway does not push the information, LaMPS sends a read request.

For each configured DALI device, a sub-tree named "Device<number>" is shown within the Server Item Tree. Each device has the following Server Items:

item name


NameHuman-readable name of the DALI device. The default name is "Device<number>". This name can be changed within the Device Name Mapping Definitions. 
FaultTrue, if either a lamp or a device fault occurred.
Fault LampTrue, if a lamp fault occurred.
Fault BallastTrue, if a ballast fault occurred.
OnOffThis item provides the current OnOff status and can be used to control the DALI device. LaMPS uses the KNX communication objects "Select Device" and "Selected Device OnOff" to provide this functionality.

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