Guest room management system (GRMS)

Guest room management system (GRMS)

With the NETx guest room management system (GRMS) a hotel can offer its guests easy access to hotel room visualizations. All a guest needs to do is to scan a QR code given out by the reception on an iOS or Android smartphone. Everything else needed for hotel guests to control their rooms will be set up automatically. The following features are available:

  • Guest room management system included in BMS Platform Web Manager.

  • Easy management of hotel rooms for system integrators.

  • Simple web user interface for receptionists which provides the possibility to check in and check out guests with just a few clicks.

  • Easy to integrate with Fidelio or Protel. Hotel rooms can be created automatically and already existing data points for check in/out, guest language and guest name can be used.

  • Extended NETx Vision app with Bring Your Own Device features like auto profile configuration via QR code, customization of the app look and feel and sharing of visualization profiles.

The following sections provide general information about installation and licensing:

The following sections provide more details about the GRMS functionality:


The GRMS module is provided as an extension and is not included within the default setup.

To install the GRMS module, open the Core Studio and shutdown the Core Server. Afterwards, start the Extension Manager via the menu Extensions > Manager > Start Extension Manager ....

Within the dialog, select "Grms" and press the Install button.

After having installed the GRMS module, login to the Web Manager. Within the dashboard, you will find a new app GRMS. Within this app, the necessary configuration for the GRMS module can be done.


The GRMS functionality is not included in a standard license for the NETx BMS Platform. This means that an extra license has to be bought if the GRMS module is required in your project. 

The price that has to be paid in addition to the normal fees of the BMS Platform license is a fixed amount which is independent of the number of used hotel rooms.  For more information about the cost please contact our sales team.

The GRMS license itself is an option to the standard BMS Platform licenses. This means the licensing process is exactly the same as for a normal BMS Platform license. For a softlock license, the GRMS option is encoded within your License ID and Unlock Code. For hardlock, the option is stored on your USB license dongle. 

In order to test GRMS, GRMS is included within the demo license of the NETx BMS Platform . This means that you can test the GRMS module for 90 days for free.

Module is available for the following products: 

  • NETx BMS Platform









May 25, 2023

New features

  • GRMS with activated BYOD is now management by Cloud Portal

BMS Platform instance must be connected to Cloud Portal if BYOD feature is activated!


  • New option to activate / deactivate BYOD feature.

  • Support for main / backup configuration in QR code.


Dec 23, 2022 

New features

  • Guest visualization profile link as server item


  • Copy & paste of a room does not create user, device and configuration – fixed.

  • Startup delays server and other plugins – fixed.


Dec 14, 2021 

New features

  • Setting room name as workspace variable


Jul 20, 2021 

New features

  • QR-code for guest login to visualization.

  • Customizable guest room report.


  • Refurbished GRMS Web Manager App.

  • Server items created by the plugin are not deducted from the license.

  • Guest name and language are reset on checkout.


  • Templates: Guest room properties are lost – fixed.

  • Copy-and-paste of a guest room copies its status – fixed.

  • GRMS configuration is empty if reporting server is unavailable – fixed.

  • Guest room report does not show the logo under certain circumstances – fixed.


Apr 29, 2021 


  • Possible configuration errors during start up – fixed.


Apr 23, 2021 


  • Device may not be added to hotel rooms – fixed.


Jan 5, 2021 

New features

  • Initial release

Notes for updating to 1.0.6 or higher

Starting with GRMS version 1.0.6, you can use our GRMS with or without Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) functionality. If BYOD is activated, visualization access including an QR code is created by the GRMS module during check-in. If deactivated this feature is not available and only the basic GRMS functions (e.g. check-in / check-out via Web Manager, uniform server items structure in NETx\Modules\Grms\…) is available.

As default, BYOD functionality is disabled. If you would like to use BYOD functionality, you have to activate it.

If you update from GRMS < 1.0.6 and you have already used the BYOD feature, you must activate it manually.

Starting with version 1.0.6, you must link your BMS Platform installation with our cloud portal and you must assign your installation to a Cloud Project.

Starting with version 1.0.6, your BMS Platform installation must be linked to the cloud – otherwise, the BYOD functionality will not work.

To link your BMS Platform to the NETx Cloud Portal, request a cloud account from NETxAutomation, install the Cloud Connector extension and register the service instance in the cloud portal. A detailed instruction can be found here: Getting started with the NETx Cloud Portal .

Afterwards, create a new Cloud Project and assign your server instance to the Cloud project. A detailed description can be found here: Cloud Projects .

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