Creating tables views using the block table module extension

Creating tables views using the block table module extension

To generate a table view, select Modules > Tools > Block Excel Table … The following configuration dialog will open:

  • Table template: here you can choose the template. The default one is NETx1. However, you can create your own templates.

  • Excel table file: here you can specify an existing Excel file or you can create a new one. This file will be used to instantiate the cells of the table view.

  • Start Excel Row: enter the first row that shall be display. If the value is greater than 1, rows with an index lower than the specified one are skipped.

  • Number of Rows: number of rows that shall be displayed in the table. For each row, a row in the Excel file must exist. Otherwise an empty row will be shown.

  • Block alignment: vertical or horizontal block alignment can be specified here.

  • Position ( top, left ): initial position of the visualization elements.

  • Block gap: gap between the rows of the table

Now press ok. If the Excel file already existing, you will be asked to use the existing Excel file or to create a new one:

As next, the variables for the columns and footers must be specified. The number of values depends on the used template. For the predefined templates NETx1 and NETx2, 4 column headers and 4 foots must be defined:

Afterwards, the Excel is started and the new or existing Excel file is shown. Fill out the rows that you would like to have in your table. The following examples uses item value variables (IV) and item property variables (IP) to show the value, quality, timestamp and description of the virtual items NETx\VAR\Numeric\Item001 - Item 010:

After having saved and closed the Excel file, the table view will be generated. Using NETx1 and the Excel file shown above will create the following view:

The predefined templates NETx1 and NETx2 use 4 columns. If you would like to have less or more, you have to define your own template.


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