Qlite integration


The Qlite interface is able to connect to one or more QL-NE100 devices. For each device channels, services, scenes and HVAC can be defined, that are represented as Server Items.

The Qlite interface is an extension which needs an extra license. This means if you want to use the Qlite interface you have to order the extension for license. The costs of the extension is a fix fee.

Each data point created by the interface is decreasing the available license data points by one.


The Qlite interface is provided as an extension and is not included within the default setup.

To install the Qlite interface, open the Core Studio and shutdown the Core Server. Afterwards, start the Extension Manager via the menu Extensions > Manager > Start Extension Manager ....

Within the dialog, select "Qlite" and press the Install button. After having installed the Qlite interface, close the Core studio and reopen it. Within the Core Studio you will find a new sub menu Qlite within the menu Modules. It contains entries for all definitions that are necessary for the configuration of the Qlite interface.


Interface is available for the following products: 

  • NETx BMS Platform
  • NETx Multi Protocol Server




New features

  • First release

Further articles