BACnet driver configuration

BACnet driver configuration

Within this configuration file, general settings for the BACnet driver are configured.

File location



Default value

XIO.BACnet.IPAddressSpecifies the IP address of the local network interface which is used to communicate with the BACnet devices.IP addressnone127.0.0.1
XIO.BACnet.PortSpecifies the port of the local network interface which is used to communicate with the BACnet devices and clients. If 0 is used or if the parameter is commented out, the server chooses a dynamic port.0 - 65535none47808
XIO.BACnet.RefreshIntervalThis parameter specifies the interval which is used to poll the BACnet devices. "0" deactivates device polling.0, 100 - 10000milliseconds1000
XIO.BACnet.DefaultWritePriorityThis parameter defines the BACnet Write Priority which is used by the server to write BACnet properties.1 - 16none16
XIO.BACnet.DeviceObjectIdentifierHere, the BACnet device ID of the server can be specified. This ID must be unique within the BACnet network and must be different from the device IDs of all other BACnet devices.0 - 4194303none4194303
XIO.BACnet.DeviceObjectNameHere, the BACnet device name of the server can be specified. This name must be unique within the BACnet network and must be different from the device names of all other BACnet devices.stringnoneNETx BMS Server
XIO.BACnet.DescriptionThis parameter specifies a human-readable description of the server that is visible via the server's BACnet device object.stringnoneempty
XIO.BACnet.LocationThis parameter refers to the "Location" property of the server's BACnet device object.stringnoneempty
XIO.BACnet.ModelNameThis parameter refers to the "ModelName" property of the server's BACnet device object.stringnoneempty
XIO.BACnet.LoggingTurns the logging for log level "Info" ON or OFF (for testing purposes only).ON, OFFnoneOFF
XIO.BACnet.APDUTimeoutThis parameter specifies the BACnet APDU Timeout in milliseconds for resending message.1 - 30000milliseconds1000
XIO.BACnet.APDURetriesHere, the maximum ADPU transmission retries can be configured before the device is set to unavailable.1 - 5none3
XIO.BACnet.ResubscribtionIntervalThis parameter specifies the interval in seconds at which the BACnet subscriptions are renewed. Default is 3600 s i.e. 1 hour.1 - 2147483647seconds3600
XIO.BACnet.InAlarmIsGoodSet ON if BACnet objects that are in state "InAlarm" shall be displayed as GOOD.true/falsenonefalse
XIO.BACnet.FaultIsGoodSet ON if BACnet objects that are in state "Fault" shall be displayed as GOOD.true/falsenonefalse
XIO.BACnet.OverriddenIsGoodSet ON if BACnet objects that are in state "Overridden" shall be displayed as GOOD.true/falsenonefalse
XIO.BACnet.OutOfServiceIsGoodSet ON if BACnet objects that are in state "OutOfService" shall be displayed as GOOD.true/falsenonefalse
XIO.BACnet.UseAddendum2008wSet TRUE if the new BACnet object types defined in BACnet Addendum 2008-w shall be used. If set to FALSE, Server items that shall be represented to BACnet objects are mapped to the standard object types (Analog Output, Analog Input, ...). Note setting this option to FALSE may lead to a loss of precision if the data size of the chosen server items is larger than the data size in the BACnet object.true/falsenonetrue
XIO.BACnet.DCCPasswordThis parameter is used to set the password for allowing the use of the BACnet Device Control Communication services. In order to use these services, BACnet Clients must set this password within the corresponding requests. If empty, device control communication request have no effect since empty passwords are not allowed.stringnoneempty
XIO.BACnet.UnsolicitedCOVIf activated, COV notifications are processed even if no valid COV subscription is available within the NETx BMS Core Server. This option provides the opportunity to update BACnet object values for unsolicited COV notifications.true/falsenonefalse
XIO.BACnet.UseBBMDSet true if the NETx BMS Core Server shall register to a BBMD as foreign device.true/falsenonefalse
XIO.BACnet.BBMDIPAddressIf "UseBBMD" is set to true, the IP address of the remote BBMD has to be specified here.IP addressnoneempty
XIO.BACnet.BBMDPortIf "UseBBMD" is set to true, the port of the remote BBMD has to be specified here.0 - 65535none47808
XIO.BACnet.BBMDTimeoutIf "UseBBMD" is set to true, the lifetime (in seconds) of the BBMD registration can be specified here.1 - 32767none3600
XIO.BACnet.StructureDelimiterThe given character is interpreted as a hierarchical delimiter inside devices names. Typically, a single quote character ' is used. No hierarchical delimiter if not set.characternoneempty
XIO.BACnet.IgnoreSourcePortIf set to true then the source port of a device response will not be checked to match the destination port as set in the request sent by the Core Server.true/falsenonefalse
XIO.BACnet.TimeSyncIntervalDefines the interval (in seconds) time synchronization requests are sent to BACnet devices.60 - 2592000seconds3600
XIO.BACnet.DeactivateWhenInactiveIf set to true, the BACnet driver will be deactivated when Core Server is inactive.true/falsenonefalse

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