Metering calculation

Metering calculation

Click the Calculation button  on the left-side menu of the Metering app to open the Calculation page. This page gets opened by default, when starting the Metering app: 


The page consists of two areas:

  • On the left hand side the cost center plan or the project tree appears.

  • On the right hand side the calculation chart appears.


This page has two view modes:

  • Project tree view

  • Cost Center Plan view

Project tree view

This is the default view. The left hand side shows the project tree, including trendings, and an empty calculation chart appears on the right hand side.

Use this view to

  • create folders and new calculation charts

  • show previously created calculation charts

  • add trendings to the calculation chart

Cost Center Plan

The left hand side shows the cost center plan and on the right hand side, again, an empty calculation chart appears.

Use this view to add a meter, a cost center or the whole cost center plan to the calculation chart on the right hand side. To add an element to the calculation chart, select it in the cost center plan and drag it on the calculation chart with the mouse.

Calculation chart

Refer to Create calculation chart how to edit a calculation chart.

Data representation

For good readability of the chart, the data is submitted to data binning depending on the length of the selected time period:

time period

bin size

time period

bin size


1 hour


1 day


1 day


1 month

Different kinds of data are shown at their respective time related to the bin:


time related to bin



time related to bin


meter / meter reading


Last known meter reading at the given point in time.

meter / consumption


Consumption during the period of the given bin.



Value of the trending data after being processed by the configured aggregation function.


Within the calculation chart

  • Zoom in and zoom out using the mouse wheel.

  • Drag the chart with the mouse to view another time period.

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