Explorer App

Explorer App


The Explorer app is the integrated management app for alarming, scheduling, trending, metering, and reporting.

It provides import and export functions as well as working with templates.

Click the Explorer icon on the dashboard of the Web Manager to open the Explorer app.

Web Manager apps and objects

Each web manager app works with a set of objects.

For example the Alarms app is working with the objects folder, action, condition, and alarm - but not with e.g. trending.

The following table shows the relation between apps and their accessible objects:

Web Manager


Web Manager apps
Trending(error)(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick) *(error)* read-only, for calculation chart configuration
Meter point(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
Cost center(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
Cost rate(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
Report instance(error)(error)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(tick)

(tick) = access / visible

(error) = no access / hidden

The Explorer app is the only app having access to all objects.

If a folder in the project tree contains different objects, only objects accessible by the current app, are visible. Non accessible objects are hidden.

If a folder contains an object which is not accessible by the current app, the folder can not be deleted. Use the Explorer app to delete folders containing different objects. 

When copying a folder only the accessible objects will appear in the new folder! Use the Explorer app to copy folders including all objects.


The page consists of several areas:

  • At the top of the page the toolbar appears.
  • On the left hand side the project tree appears.
  • On the right hand side details of the selected element from the project tree appear.

Toolbar functions

The functions on the page depend on the role of the logged on user.



Add object - refer to Explorer App#Creating objects

Apply template

Edit folder name

Delete selected element

Copy selected element

Paste copied element

Switch to calendar view

Switch to list view

Switch to multi-edit mode



Import ETS structure

Create template

Show plot of the trending

Show configuration view 

Creating objects

To create an object click the Add button from the toolbar and select the object to create:

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