Create alarm

Create alarm

The following image shows the form to edit an alarm.

* indicates a required field.



EnabledEnable (default) or disable the alarm.
NameThe name of the alarm.
DescriptionAlarm description.


Alarm priority (Info, Low, Medium, High).
ConditionSelect the condition which triggers or vanishes the alarm.
Action on appear

Select the action to execute when

  • the condition changes from false to true.
  • the single shot option is set, once, when the condition is true and it was false before.
  • the single shot option is not set, the condition is true and it was true or false before.
Action on vanish

Select the action to execute when

  • the condition changes from true to false.
  • the single shot option is set, once, when the condition is false and it was true before.
  • the single shot option is not set, the condition is false and it was true or false before.

Single shot

Off (default): The alarm is re-triggered every time the condition evaluates.


The Action on appear is triggered once when the condition evaluates to true and it was false before.

The Action on vanish is triggered once when the condition evaluates to false and it was true before.

Time program

Disabled (default): the condition evaluates all the time when an input changes.

Enabled: the condition evaluates only during the time frame (defined in time program) when an input changes.

If the property Time program is enabled, additional fields will appear in the form:

Create Time program

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