Create calculation chart

Create calculation chart

Create a new calculation chart

To create a new calculation chart, open the Calculation page and switch to the Cost Center Plan view.

Drag e.g. a cost center from the cost center plan on the left hand side to the calculation chart on the right hand side - repeat this step for additional cost centers.

A dialog asks to select the resource and how to add the series to the calculation chart.

Select the option Show itemized values to display each meter point of the selected resource.

This means if a cost center has 2 meter points assigned for electricity - select Show itemized values to see both meter points and the sum of them in the chart (3 bars shown in the chart), otherwise the chart will only show the sum of the meter points (1 bar in the chart).

Note the following difference:

  • Adding a cost center with its meter point to the calculation chart: the bar chart shows the consumption of the cost center.
  • Adding the meter point of a cost center to the calculation chart: the bar chart shows the total consumption of the meter point.

Edit an existing calculation chart

Open the Calculation page, select the calculation chart to edit and click the Configuration button image2020-3-3_11-42-0.pngin the header section.

The following image shows the configuration of a calculation chart:

* indicates a required field.


The page consists of four areas:

  • Name area
  • Meter point list area
  • Trending list area
  • Y axis list area

Name area

NameName of the calculation chart.
DescriptionChart description.
Chart type

Normal (default): shows the values of trendings and meter points.

Period comparsion: compare the data of a period to data of another period defined by an offset.

Meter point list area

Meter pointName of the meter point, including path and resource information.
Calculation type

Consumption: The chart shows the consumption values based on the meter readings.

Meter reading: The chart shows the meter reading of the selected meter point.

Show itemized values

Enabled: The consumption value of each meter point of the selected resource type is displayed in separate graph.

Disabled: The total consumption of all meter points of a the selected resource type is displayed in a single graph.

ResourceResource type of the meter point.
TrendlineIn addition to the selected data a trendline is shown.

Line (default for meter readings): The values are shown as a line.

Bar (default for consumptions): The values are shown as a bar.

ColorColor of line or bar representation.

Specifies the precision of values (meter point and trendline) shown in table view or chart view.

Select the number of decimals to show:
0, 1 (default) to 6, All


For period comparison chats only. Specifies the temporal offset of the displayed data in number of periods relative to the selected period.

Example: A value of -1 shows the data of the previous day in a day view, of the previous week in a week view, etc.

Trending list area

TrendingName of the trending.
Y axisName of the Y axis which will appear in chart view.

Aggregation type:

Average, Min, Max

TrendlineIn addition to the selected data a trendline is shown.

Line (default): The values are shown as a line.

Bar: The values are shown as a bar.

ColorColor of the graph.

Specifies the precision of values (trending and trendline) shown in table view or chart view.

Select the number of decimals to show:
0, 1 (default) to 6, All


For period comparison chats only. Specifies the temporal offset of the displayed data in number of periods relative to the selected period.

Example: A value of -1 shows the data of the previous day in a day view, of the previous week in a week view, etc.

Y axis list area

Y axis nameName of the Y axis, used as reference in a trending.
LabelLabel of the Y axis.

Dynamic (default): Based on the displayed values, the range of the Y axis is dynamically adjusted.

0-based: The X axis intersects the Y axis at 0.

Click the Add button to add a new Y axis to the list.

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