Report types

Report types

This article gives an overview of default report types provided by the NETx BMS Platform.


[Default] Alarms

Shows the list of events related to a specified alarm for a given time period.

Report parameter


Report parameter


Date range

The temporal range to be considered in the report.


The alarm that the report shall cover.

[Default] Alarms Multi

Shows the list of events related to all alarms in a specified folder for a given time period.

Report parameter


Report parameter


Date range

The temporal range to be considered in the report.


The path containing all alarms that the report shall cover.

[Default] Alarms active over a period

Shows the list of all alarms in a specified folder that were active during the given time period.

Report parameter


Report parameter


Date range

The temporal range to be considered in the report.


The path containing all alarms that the report shall consider.

[Default] Alarms currently active

Shows the list of all alarms in a specified folder that are currently active.

Report parameter


Report parameter



The path containing all alarms that the report shall consider.


[Default] DEMO ItemTree Branches

Demonstrates how a report can be used to query branches and items of the NETx Server’s item tree.

Report parameter


Report parameter




[Default] DEMO ItemTree Items

Demonstrates how a report can be used to query items of the NETx Server’s item tree based on a given search pattern.

Report parameter


Report parameter



Regular expression that is used to match ItemIDs.


[Default] HotelroomReport


LaMPS reports will be available after installing the LaMPS extension.

[Default] LaMPS Device Status UPS

Provides latest test results of all DALI devices starting from the given gateway that are assiciated with any UPS.

Report parameter


Report parameter


Gateway path

The base branch in the item tree under which the DALI devices will be considered.

Include deleted items

If checked, even deleted gateways and devices are considered.

[Default] LaMPS Emergency Lighting Status

Shows the latest test results for each emergency light and a test summary on higher hierarchical levels.

[Default] LaMPS Emergency Lighting Status Multi

Shows the latest emergency test results of DALI devices starting from a given branch in the item tree.

Report parameter


Report parameter


Gateway path

The base branch in the item tree under which the DALI devices will be considered.

Include deleted items

If checked, even deleted gateways and devices are considered.

Emergency lights only

If checked, only DALI devices that have an Emergency branch are considered.

[Default] LaMPS Emergency Lighting UPS Test

Contains all test results of DALI devices associated with the given UPS, received during the latest test of the given UPS.

Report parameter


Report parameter


UPS Path Name

Path and name of the UPS branch in the item tree, starting from NETx\Module\LaMPS\UPS\.


[Default] LaMPS Gateway

Shows the regular DALI test results that were executed for the selected gateway.

[Default] LaMPS Group

Shows the regular DALI test results for all gateways belonging to the selected group, i.e. the same gateway type.

[Default] LaMPS Logbook

Shows all DALI test results of each device on the specified gateway.

[Default] LaMPS Logbook Multi

[Default] LaMPS Test Log


[Default] Meter Point Consumption Bar Chart

[Default] Meter Point Consumption Line Chart

[Default] Meter Point Consumption Table

[Default] Metering Chart


[Default] Trending

Shows all values of the specified trending as a table.

[Default] Trending Chart

Shows the data of the specified trending as a plot. Depending on the specified date range the data is binned and an average aggregation is applied.

[Default] Trending Chart Plot

Shows the plots of all trendings configured in the specified Trending Chart element in a unified chart.

[Default] Trending Plot Multi

Shows the values of all trendings contained by a given folder as a plot.

[Default] Trending Table Multi

Shows the values of all trendings contained by a given folder as a table. Values are binned automatically and aggregated as specified in the respective trending definition. If no suitable aggregation is found, the average is used.

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