General controls



Labels are used to display the value of a Server Item or to simply show static text. It can be used also for the input of numeric or string values. The tab Appearance is the same for all four modes of the label. It is structured as follows:

TextThe text the label will display. It will only remain the way it is when the label is set as indicator. All other modes will alter this field.
Formatted textA preview of the formatted text. This field cannot be edited. It is a result of the combination of the text and text format.
Text formatA string to format the control’s value.
FontThe font the label’s content will be displayed in.
Font AutoSizeThe font size will set automatically to fill the extents of the label element.
RotationRotation The angle which the label will be turned clockwise.
AlignmentPosition of the text inside the defined area of the label (Top ,Bottom,Middle (left, center, right)).
Background colorThe background color of the label.
Text colorThe font color of the label.
BorderEnable/ Disable Label borders.
Border ColorLabel border's color.
Border WidthBorder's width. 

On the Object tab of the control the following functions can be selected:

Static textA text will be displayed at a predefined place which will not change in its appearance.

The label shows the value of the assigned Server Item. In this mode it is read only. The Item on the server cannot
be changed by the label.

  • OPC Item IDs: The Server Item/s assigned to the label.
  • Scale factor: The factor, the Server Item’s value is multiplied with.
  • Limit value Min. value and max. value, to set borders for the false value color.
  • Send value on click On click the current value is sent back to the Server Item.
Date / timeHere the control displays the actual date and time depending on the given text format.

The label controls the values of its Server Items. It can send these values back to the server actively.

  • OPC Item IDs: The Server Item assigned to the Label.
  • Is Password: Prevents the field’s contents to be displayed on the screen.
  • Scale factor: The factor, the Server Item’s value is multiplied with.
  • Limit value Min. value and max. Value, to set borders for the false value color.


The Image control can display different formats of pictures. It can be used as a background image or you can stack several pictures with transparency. The picture can be stretched, flipped, or scaled.

PicturePicture Defines the picture that shall be shown.
RotationRotation The angle which the picture will be turned clockwise.
FlipIf either vertically or horizontally is checked, the picture will be flipped accordingly.
Stretch mode
  • Free scale: the picture can be scaled without keeping the ratio between width and height
  • Keep aspect ratio: the picture can be scaled with keeping the ratio between width and height
OpacityIt contains the percentage of how through shining a picture will be displayed. 100% is solid and 5% makes the picture almost invisible.
Use transparencyWhen set, one color of the control is made transparent.
Transparent colorThis color is the one set to invisible, when the check box above is set. A color can be picked with the pipette tool.

Button, Button White and Button Black

This control is one of the most powerful ones of the NETx Visualization Editor software . Not only that it can switch or toggle binary values of boolean Server Items, moreover it can be used to navigate through the visualization, call external applications, send NET commands, or simply close the program.
Parts of tab Object and the whole tab Appearance are the same for all button modes. The following properties all functions of the button have in common:

Template nameA button template can be selected or written to the text box. The buttons below give the visualization designer the possibility to create, edit, or load a template. The option “Files. . . ” opens a new dialog to select three different picture files instead of a template; one picture for each, off-, on-, and uncertain-state.
RotationThe angle which the button will be turned clockwise.
FlipIf either vertically or horizontally is checked, the button will be flipped accordingly.
Stretch mode
  • Free scale: the button can be scaled without keeping the ratio between width and height
  • Keep aspect ratio: the button can be scaled with keeping the ratio between width and height
OpacityIt contains the percentage of how through shining the control will be displayed. 100% is solid and 5% makes the control almost invisible.
Use transparencyWhen set, one color of the control is made transparent.
Transparent colorThis color is the one set to invisible, when the check box above is set. A color can be picked with the pipette tool.
Transparent Area ClickableIf set, clicks on transparent areas of the image trigger the click event. If not set, clicks on transparent areas are ignored.
TitleContains the text written onto the control. It is also possible to define a caption in the button editor when creating or editing a template. This one will be merged with the pictures and therefore can be stretched, rotated, and inflicted by transparency. The text outside the button editor is not influenced by the above mentioned.
FontChange the font.
Font colorChange the font's color.
Hor. alignmentThe horizontal alignment of caption can be set here. A positive value (measured in pixel) of X will put an offset to the right onto the caption, a negative one will shift it to the left.
Vert. alignmentThe vertical alignment of caption can be set here. A positive value (measured in pixel) of Y will put an offset upwards onto the caption, a negative one will shift it down.

On the Object tab of the control the following functions can be selected:

Standard button

The Button in the Standard-Button-Mode can be used to change Server Items or display their values.

  • Switch – The button will lock in place in either down or up state. Once any of the two positions has been reached the according value will be sent to the
    Server Item.
  • Toggle – The ON value will be sent when the toggle button is pressed. Once it is released the OFF value will be sent.
  • Toggle on/off – sends alternating on- or off-signals when it is pressed.
  •  Toggle down – sends the value when the button is pressed
  •  Toggle up – sends the value when the button is released
  •  +Value – increases a value by a defined amount. The maximum value - when set - will not be exceeded.
  •  -Value – decreases a value by a defined amount. The minimum value - when set - will not be exceeded.
  • Send actual value – just sends the current value back to the server.
XCommand Button

The short cut for the button needs to be placed here for it to execute any XCommand function from NETx BMS Core Server.

  • ONEVENT: Define the event to execute the XCommand.
    • Short Click: XCommand is triggered once the button quickly pressed .
    • Long Down: XCommand is triggered once the button long pressed.
    • Long Up: XCommand is triggered on release but when the button long pressed.
    • Down XCommand is triggered once the button pressed.
    • Up: XCommand is triggered on release.
  • XCOMMAND: The name of the XCommand itself. 
  • INPUTS: XCommand's input/s. 
  • PARAMETERS: XCommand's parameters/s. 
  • OUTPUT: XCommand's output/s.
Go to page

This function allows the user to navigate from one page to another. There are special targets implemented like navigating to the home page or simply back and forth.

  •  <Navigate back> – is calling the previously viewed page. If there is no page in the history of the program, the visualization will remain at the current page.
  •  <Navigate forward> – gets the user to a page from which he previously must have navigated back.
  •  <Go to home page> – will bring the user to the page which was declared “Home page”. 
  • View: Choose in which view the linked page should be open. 
Change layer visibility

This function turns layers and their controls visible or invisible. Selected layer will be the one whose visibility will be turned on or off.

Change popup window visibilityLike layers, popups can be hidden or shown.Selected popup will be the one whose visibility will be turned on or off.
WebManager Window

This function will show the selected Web Manager content in a new window. The NETx Visualization Editor supports up to 4 windows at the same time. 

  • Element type: Alarm list, Calendar, Event list, Trending, or Metering chart. 
  • Element: The pathname of the Web Manager element matching the given element type.
Show URL WindowThis function will call the URL in the URL field, and shows the content in Window of your choice. If URL does not include protocol, standard protocol "HTTP" will be added to the link.
Execute menu commandThe short cut for the button needs to be placed here for it to execute any program functionality of the NETx Visualization Editor. The format of the short cut needs to be done in the following syntax:
  • All special keys must be set in curly brackets except for [Alt], [Ctrl], and [Shift]. Regular keys like any letter or digit are just plainly set (e.g. a for the letter “a”). Keys can be combined in writing them next to each other without any spaces in between. More can be found in the next table (Special keys and characters).
Close VisualizationThis function closes the application.

Special keys and characters Table

Backspace{BACKSPACE}, {BS}, {BKSP}

Caps lock 

Delete {DELETE}, {DEL}
Arrow down{DOWN}
Arrow up{UP}
Arrow left{LEFT}
Arrow right{RIGHT}
Enter, Return{ENTER}
Insert{INSERT}, {INS}
Num lock{NUMLOCK}
Page up{PGUP}
Page down{PGDN}
Scroll lock{SCROLLLOCK}
F1, F2, ... F12 {F1}, {F2}, ... {F12}

Link Area

The control Link Area can support the user with its functionality to either link to another page, change a layer visibility, or change a popup visibility. A picture can be set into the control to change its appearance.

PictureDetermines which picture should be displayed.
Stretch mode
  • Free scale: the picture can be scaled without keeping the ratio between width and height
  • Keep aspect ratio: the picture can be scaled with keeping the ratio between width and height
  • Enable/ Disable Link area borders.
  • Changing Border Colors in 
Border ColorPart of Object Properties window, in the Value tab changing border color under Graphic > LINE_COLOR
Back ColorPart of Object Properties window, in the Value tab changing background color under Graphic > BACK_COLOR
Text ColorPart of Object Properties window, in the Value tab changing background color under Text > TEXT_COLOR

On the Object tab of the control the following functions can be selected:

Go to page

The visualization designer can select either a page of the project to navigate to or
one of the following special options:

  • <Navigate back> – is calling the previously viewed page. If none is in the history of the program, the visualization will remain at the current page.
  •  <Navigate forward> – gets the user to a page from which he previously must have navigated back.
  •  <Go to home page> – will bring the user to the page which was declared “home page”.
Change layer visibility

This function turns layers and their controls visible or invisible. Selected layer will be the one whose visibility will be turned on or off.

Change popup window visibilityLike layers, popups can be hidden or shown.Selected popup will be the one whose visibility will be turned on or off.


This control shows predefined URL. On the Object tab of the control the URL can be set:

URLIn this text field the URL for this controller can be defined.

Multi Picture

This control is used as an indicator. Depending on the conditions assigned to an image and the actual value of the Item attached to the Multi Picture different results in the visualization are achieved. On the Object tab of the control the following function can be selected:

Item IDThe item assigned to this control

The tab Appearance is structured as follows:

RotationThe angle which the picture will be turned clockwise.
FlipIf either vertically or horizontally is checked, the picture will be flipped accordingly.
Stretch mode
  • Free scale: the picture can be scaled without keeping the ratio between width and height
  • Keep aspect ratio: the picture can be scaled with keeping the ratio between width and height
OpacityIt contains the percentage of how through shining the control will be displayed. 100% is solid and 5% makes the control almost invisible.

The tab Pictures / Conditions  is structured as follows:

IndexThis drop down list selects the picture that shall be configured. In the following fields, the symbol “#” is a placeholder for the current selected picture.
Picture #This field contains the file name of the picture which shall be displayed.
Picture not in useThe picture is kept in the workspace but will not be displayed at all. This option is to quickly take an image off the Multi Picture without losing the given information.
Picture when quality is
not GOOD
The picture will be shown, when the quality of the Server Item is not “GOOD”, when no valid value is available, or when no server item is assigned to the control.
Use condition (quality
is GOOD)
The following condition is applied to the item and the picture will be shown when they are fulfilled.
Condition #The “#” is the number of the actual picture. Here the conditions can be edited under which the the picture shall be show.
Value =The value of the assigned Server Item equals the one which is placed in the text box.
Value >The value of the assigned Server Item is greater than this set value.
Value <The value of the assigned Server Item is less than this set value.
Value > & Value <The value of the assigned Item is between those two set values.
Conditions not metThe picture will be displayed when none of the other pictures’ conditions are met.

Multi Text

Depending on the value of the assigned Item this control can display up to ten different texts under different conditions. On the Object tab of the control the following function can be selected:

Item IDThe item assigned to this control

The tab Texts / Conditions  is structured as follows:

IndexThis drop down list selects the text that shall be configured. In the following fields, the symbol “#” is a placeholder for the current selected picture.
Text#In this text field, the text for this index can be defined. In addition the font can be
selected using the “Font” Button.
Text not in useKeeps the actual text in the control without losing the content
Text when quality is not
This text will be shown, when the quality of the Server Item is not “GOOD”, when no valid value is available, or when no server item is assigned to the control.
Use condition (quality
is GOOD)
This option will make the text appear, when the condition set further down in the dialog is met.
Condition #Here you can edit the conditions to show the text.
Value =The value equals the one of the assigned Item.
Value >The value of the assigned Server Item is greater than this set value.
Value <The value of the assigned Server Item is less than this set value.
Value > & Value <The value of the assigned Item is between those two set values.
Conditions not metThe text will be displayed when none of the other text’ conditions are met.

Multi Internet

This control shows different URLs depending on the conditions set for each of them. On the Object tab of the control the following function can be selected:

Item IDThe item assigned to this control

The tab URLs / conditions is structured as follows:

IndexThis drop down list selects the URL that shall be configured. In the following fields, the symbol “#” is a placeholder for the currently selected URL.
URL#this text field, the URL for the selected index is defined. 
URL not in useKeeps the actual URL in the control without losing the content
URL when quality is not
This URL will be shown, when the quality of the Server Item is not “GOOD”, when no valid value is available, or when no server item is assigned to the control.
Use condition (quality
is GOOD)
This option will make the URL appear, when the condition set further down in the dialog is met.
Condition #Here you can edit the conditions to show the URL.
Value =The value equals the one of the assigned Item.
Value >The value of the assigned Server Item is greater than this set value.
Value <The value of the assigned Server Item is less than this set value.
Value > & Value <The value of the assigned Item is between those two set values.
Conditions not metThe text will be displayed when none of the other text’ conditions are met.

Combo Box

With the Combo Box you can select from a list of named items and set the value of the assigned item. The user will see a selection of names and does not need to worry about any numbers.. On the Object tab of the control the following functions can be selected:

OPC Item IDsHere the list of items that shall be assigned to the drop down list must be defined.
Use list content itemThis option activates the opportunity to change the list content via a Server Item. If activated, the Item ID of the Server Item must be specified in the text field below.

The tab “Appearance”  is structured as follows:

TextThe text the drop down list will display if no entry matches.
Formatted text

A preview of the formatted text.

Text formatA character row to format the control’s value.
FontThe font the label’s content will be displayed in.
Font AutoSizeThe font size will automatically match the size of the Label.
RotationRotation The angle which the label will be turned clockwise.
AlignmentPosition of the text inside the defined area of the label (left, center, right).
Background colorThe background color of the label.
Text colorThe font color of the label.
False value bg. colorThe background color when the value is outside a defined limit
False value text colorThe text color when the value is outside a defined limit
BorderEnable/ Disable Label borders.
Border ColorLabel border's color.
Border WidthBorder's width. 

The tab List Content is structured as follows:

List itemsAdd, edit, or remove your list entries here. For each list entry, a value as well as its appearance (font, size, color) can be defined.
List item definitionThe formatted definition string for the list content will be displayed here after you clicked “Apply”.


Similar to the Link Area, a Polygon can be used to link to another page, to change the visibility of a layer, or show a popup group. Compared to a normal Link Area, the shape of the control is not limited to a rectangle. Using multiple points, any arbitrary polygon can be used as border for the area. Create a new polygon by placing the control from the object catalog onto the page. After having created a new polygon, it has four points. The points of the polygon can be moved using the mouse. In addition, new points can be added and available points can be removed from the polygon. To add a new point, right-click on the line where the point shall be added and select the context menu item “Add point”. To remove a point, right-click on the point that shall be deleted and select “Delete point” from the context menu. Furthermore, a so called “free drawing mode” is available. To activate the “free drawing mode”, right-click on the polygon and select the context menu item “New polygon”. Afterwards, the available points will be deleted and the “free drawing mode” starts. Now the user can draw the polygon by clicking on the position where a point shall be added. After adding a new point the polygon will be extended to the new point. After having created all points of the polygon, the polygon has to be closed. This can be done by selecting “Close polygon” from the context menu. The tab Appearance  is structured as follows

BorderIf set, a solid black one pixel broad border will frame the Polygon.
Border Width

Here, the width of the border can be specified.

Border ColorHere, the color of the border can be specified.
Border style Here, different styles of the border.
FillIf set, a selected color will be filled in the Polygon.
Fill colorSelect the color to fill the Polygon with.
Fill opacityIt contains the percentage of how through shining a color will be displayed. 100% is solid and 5% makes the color almost invisible.

On the Object tab of the control the following functions can be selected:

Go to page

The visualization designer can select either a page of the project to navigate to or one of the following special options:

  • <Navigate back> – is calling the previously viewed page. If none is in the history of the program, the visualization will remain at the current page.
  •  <Navigate forward> – gets the user to a page from which he previously must have navigated back.
  •  <Go to home page> – will bring the user to the page which was declared “home page”.
  • View: Choose in which view the linked page should be open. 
Change layer visibility

This function turns layers and their controls visible or invisible. Selected layer will be the one whose visibility will be turned on or off.

Change popup window visibilityLike layers, popups can be hidden or shown.Selected popup will be the one whose visibility will be turned on or off.


A polyline is a linear object that consists of one or more segments. A polyline can be used to create shapes that can not be easy drawn or represented, or just to create arrows in the visualization.

Line widthThe width of the line.
Line color

The color of the line.

Line styleSelect the line style (continuous, dotted, dashed, etc.).
ArrowIf set, the polyline will be shown with an arrow pointer at the end.
Arrow typeSelect the type of the arrow.

CAD Drawing

The NETx Visualization Editor supports the import of a CAD drawing (dwg, dxf or dwf files). After selecting of the CAD file, the NETx DWG View will open. Zoom and pan the drawing to specify the import region. Use the layer tools to select and colorize the layers to be imported.

The tab Appearance is structured as follows:

FileThe name of the CAD file to be displayed.

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