

This section contains an assortment of sliders with different appearances. The general functionality of the sliders is the same. Therefore the “Object”, tab “Appearance”, and tab “Axis” of each slider style are identical to each other.
The following slider styles are available:

  • V. Fill Slide

  • V. Pointer Slide

  • V. Progress Bar

  • H. Fill Slide

  • V. Progress Bar

  • Thermometer

  • H. Pointer Slide

  • H. 3D Bar

  • V. 3D Bar





Operation mode

There are several different operation modes for sliders:

  • Indicator – sliders only displays the value of the Item, the control is read only

  • Control – The slider will display the value of a Server Item as much as it can send its value to several Server Items.

Scale factor

This is the multiplier the Server Item value will be scaled with before being displayed.

Server Items

 The Server Item/s assigned to the sliders. 

  • Send : sending the value to the Server Item for setting it’s value.

  • Receive: getting the value from the server for putting it to the control.

The tab Appearance is structured as follows:






It is possible to switch between the above mentioned styles back and forth.

Back color

This color will fill the background of the slider solidly in a rectangle.

Title color

The color of the caption on top of the slider.

Pointer color

The base color of the pointer in a slider. This color only is used when the slider style implements a pointer.

Fill color

The color of the filled part of the slider.

Interior color

The color of the empty part of the slider scale.

Undefined state color

The color of the filled part of the slider in its “Undefined” state.

The tab Axis is structured as follows:






Determines whether the axis scale and title should be shown or not.


If set this caption will be shown along the scale of the slider.

Caption color

Changes the color of the axis caption .

Label color 

The color of the displayed numbers along the axis scale.

Axis color

Sets the color for the hair lines along the axis scale.

Maximum value

Determines the maximum value of the axis scale.

Minimum value

Sets the minimum value possible to be displayed and set with the slider.


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